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Everything posted by AftoKrator

  1. Now now... what is this... there weren't such thing as ranks before june 2021
  2. wepon?? yee, i had no idea too... why do people even care about banshee anyways?
  3. wait... seriously??? i always thought you were a veteran
  4. you mean like this? by estimation.... just from your post.... at my split screen... cuz full screen will have a different line number. by estimation... around line 360 plus or minus 30 lines. ..... counting will take too much energy.... and too easy to get lost since everything looks the same ofc, if it doesn't count as cheating, just use Ctrl + F
  5. wait.... is it just that i don't have as many badges to see for myself, or is it that basically all the badges are "rare"
  6. there are "pizza cutters"....
  7. yeah.... i saw it when i first found your typo
  8. for the healing drone tho, .... i think of it like this. either make it an E-M and remove healing plates in arena or make it backfire almost as much as it gives so no one uses it.... and make it super rare so it's only for pay 2 play collectors
  9. speaking of points... i concluded that: 1 reaction = 1 point 1 post = if just words than the points is equal to the amount of words (this seems to be different if a lot of words are typed) points granted may increase drastically if other attachments are involved generally depends on length of post and how long it took making the post (my speculation) tell me if i got any of these wrong since this was all from my examinations.
  10. hmm, seems like i ran out too
  11. ... we're a long long way from 10000
  12. yeah... that would be nice..... and even nicer if there were more ranks.. seeing that you are almost to the top
  13. no, all the ranks are based on a point system this is me right now
  14. tbh, the word "hellgrapling" just sounds kinda strange.... also, we already have a magma blast so hellblast will be kinda redundant... especially for a weapon of a complete different design and use
  15. wow nice... so all that movement was through programming?? wow
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