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Everything posted by rc

  1. That’s going to take a long time. That’s why I didn’t mention v4.0. Alexander only did a few balance changes since taking control of the game. Currently, at 5-6 months in, still waiting for the rest of the balance changes mentioned to occur. Hypothetically, if it takes 6 months to do a balance change, I'd hate to think how long it’d take to start introducing new items.
  2. BM did evolve into SM. Although they’re different games, they still share the same core concepts. Think of the mini-game version as v1.0, and the current game as v2.0 (or v3.0 after Reloaded ended the Legacy era).
  3. Oh well, you beat me to the punch. After further thought, I was going to replace my previous reply to your previous comment as follows: You: My aborted edited reply: I see what you’re saying now. That’s a possibility. That would make sense the new item sale is called Drop Rate Increased sale. My bad, I misinterpreted what you said here: I was solely thinking about boxes/packs, not items (despite I mentioned the 3k-item limit). At any rate, that would explain why my max limit always fluctuates. Everything you mentioned makes logical sense. Your statements seem credible. I’ll end my comments with a thank you for your informative info.
  4. To clarify: I'd think Tacticsoft wouldn’t allow old premium packs to drop new items during Drop Rate Increased sales. That could explain why the clan shop’s premium pack is locked out from being purchased during the new item sales. Therefore, the only premium packs allowed to be purchased is the regular premium packs. After a certain amount of time has passed from the new item sale, I can see the drop pool being update. Otherwise, that would be a huge loophole that people can abuse. Summary: With that conjecture, when I’m referring to old items, I’m referring to after the new item sales when the drop pool has been updated. So during the sale, the item is new. After the sale, the item is already old. That should clarify my definition of old. First of all, to ensure we’re talking about the same thing, I’m referring to my current, max unclaimed boxes in the photo below: I’m not entirely sure what my max currently is. Nor will I be wasting my time to find out. However, I’ll mention when I had around 990 unclaimed boxes/packs, any unclaimed boxes/packs beyond that number resulted in no further boxes/packs received in my inventory. Because I was near my limit (around 990), I had to investigate the matter to ensure I knew my limit, so as to avoid losing unclaimed boxes/packs. Trust me; it was not fun losing sales’ items due to reaching my max unclaimed boxes/packs limit. I suspect everyone will have a different max unclaimed boxes/packs limit. Thus, I only mentioned my personal past limit of around 990. I can only dream of having a max 3,000-item limit. By the way, what’s your old forum name?
  5. This is like a specific item deal. Specifically, it’s for mods. I consider these types of sales as regular sales. In my mind, anything that isn’t a noob sale or a new item sale is a regular sale since it’s the most frequent sale, even during the Tacticsoft era. Thanks to sales. I now have 2 Quad Core Booster, plus an Overload Preventor as a bonus. Too true, but I’m not saving my packs for a specific benefit. It’s only for food, nothing else, as I previously mentioned: Yup, I realize that. Not that I’m thinking about receiving new items from old premium packs. As far as I’m concerned, all premium packs are for old items, unless it’s premium packs bought during a new item sale. Besides, it has been ages since we got a new item sale. I can’t even remember the last time we got a new item sale. It doesn’t help Gato doesn’t advertise their sales as Sarah has done in the old forum. Speaking of which, I wonder when we’ll have a new Gato forum admin, like Sarah was to us. I remembered Alexander mentioned that was in the works ages ago. Yup, you’re right. With every 20-premium-pack sale, it’s always an uphill struggle to maintain my maxed out inventory space. Whenever I go past my unclaimed boxes limit, I no longer receive any item boxes or packs. So, it’s always vital I stay below my unclaimed boxes limit, which is currently 897 unclaimed boxes or packs for me. I used to have 990ish unclaimed boxes limit, but Tacticsoft nerfed it down...
  6. I never thought any of Tacticsoft’s sales were bad. They tailored their sales to specific crowds (i.e, noob sales) or released new items. There was nothing to fix on Tacticsoft’s sales. I thought all their sales were great even the noob sales. As Alexander would say:
  7. Alexander, don’t take this the wrong way. I get the feeling you will. But my wallet doesn’t lie. Indeed, your sales are more expensive than Tacticsoft. This sale isn’t affordable at $70 once again. Max price for Tacticsoft’s sales are $50. And there’s more of this type of expensive, regular sales as I mentioned before, since there are no more noob sales and newly released item sales. I’ve 3891 tokens. As predicted, with the continued price of these sales, I’ve finally come short on tokens. I’m not at all surprised at my shortfall. I guess there’s a first time for everything. Tokens easy come; easy go... Oh boy, more premium packs. Lol, before I know it, I’ll have 200 packs. Oof! Don’t get me wrong, more packs the better. With all these packs, maybe I can get rank 1! With the increased amount of premium packs sales, I see no point in being so frugal on saving packs for food anymore. After all these years with Tacticsoft’s sale, I never thought premium packs would be devalued now that premium packs floods the sales market. Oh well. TL;DR summary: Now that the con is out of the way, I can talk about the pro side of this sale. Despite the expensive cost, excellent sale! Well worth the money! This sale seems like one huge sale. It’s like three sales combined into one sale. I’m not sure a lot of people can afford this sale. No doubt, the P2W players will cough up the money no problem. For me, it’s an expensive sale, but I’ll buy it only because it’s worth the value. Maybe, it’s a good thing these sales are expensive. That way, less people can afford these expensive sales. Thus, it’ll make it more exclusive for P2P players. Lol, at least no one can complain about noob sales anymore. Here’s a pro sale for top P2W players to chew on! Enjoy! Alexander, I’m not interested in telling you how to run your business. Do as you see fit as the CEO. However, as a customer, I’m voicing my assessments for your sales, whether good or bad. I’m just telling how it is. I'd prefer you see it as constructive criticisms from your costumer’s perspective. If anything, continue with these expensive sales. After all, the P2P players will benefit the most from these sales. Lastly, I'd like to reiterate that I see your sales are improving with each new sale. Thank you!
  8. Off topic: Although I’ve no interest in running a clan, I can understand the frustration leaders have to go thru to transfer leadership, so as to preserve the integrity of their clan. Gato should implement a ranking system in the clan. That way, a leader can assign leadership to the highest-ranking person when the leader leaves. It’ll mean less work for Gato in the long run since they wouldn’t have to manually assignment leadership for each clan. This feature should have been a basic feature in the game since the start. It’s a shame Tacticsoft didn’t make the time to include this basic feature.
  9. Despite what you say, I think you’d love the SM Discord. There are so many action going on in there. Here, it’s already dead. Since the forum is dead now, I better help its demise as well. Actually, I’m hungry. I’m going to get something to eat soon, but first a rest. See you later!
  10. It probably would be like this forum.
  11. How nice, Dragon Slayer sacrificed his likes for me as well. That would explain my latest like content. I've no idea. This forum is strange.
  12. Google empty character. The first result will be your answer.
  13. It's a blank space character. Technically, I still have 3 characters, but only 2 will show. Hmm, thanks for the info!
  14. That’s an easy question to answer. Because the forum demanded I add a 3rd character; however, someone later showed me how to make it only 2 characters.
  15. Oh, nice! Dragon Slayer, that was nice of you to sacrifice your likes. On another note, the old forum was much more forgiving on likes. There was a higher amount of likes and likes refreshed faster. My personal favorite way to increase my likes on the old forum was to bookmark posts I liked, so I can add likes later. Sadly, there's no bookmark feature on this forum. How nice, my reaction came back, at least one.
  16. Oh, I think I see what you mean now. I don’t think getting more likes will earn you more likes. I could have misinterpreted Alexander’s meaning though.
  17. I don’t know about meaningful content. But yes, on the more posts you make, the higher your forum rank becomes. Supposedly, earning you more likes.
  18. Alexander mentioned likes are increased due to higher forum rank.
  19. Supposedly, Alexander mentioned that’s the case. That would be nice. It should be like Instagram.
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