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Posts posted by Aionion

  1. 1 hour ago, sᴄʏᴛᴇツ said:

    Your POV while typing this shit: 🤓

    How desperate are you to Necro a post from a week ago just be obnoxious to make yourself look cool ? weren't you the same genius who called everything i posted gay and got muted on the discord forum just not so long ago ? leave me alone, creep.


  2. This may sounds offensive but here is my hot take, the game we are having now is in a state that you can harvest tokens in the 4 digits amount on a monthly basis and you don't even have to be a turbo pro monster tactician in raids for that, literally free tokens are being given and spoon fed to you for free in the thousands and yet you are still having issue with the game means it's just a massive skill issue on your side, the smurfs aren't a problem, you are just trash. 👌

  3. Years and years later ever since the old forum's great wave of harassment toward Frantic users instead of trying deal with them normally. And we are about have history repeat itself like a ripple once again, the "Supermechs Community" never change.

    "Remember kids, with enough harassment you can achieve pretty much anything in life" - Sam O' Nella

  4. 1 hour ago, Kendall-Tempest said:


    ok but the same amount I spend on silverboxes is equally less than the amount of time and money an old player or person with base takes to level it up. I just wanna see people give up on this base stuff and let us choose the same way we choose whether a mech can freaking BREATH FOR GODS SAKES, ITS  A USELESS FEATURE

    Base isn't actually bad though, suffer the few early months and lives the rest of the later days having a reliable never ending self-generating resource, that and the fact that having the ability to craft kits that don't clog up your inventory is also a blessing.

  5. 5 minutes ago, JUGGERNAUT said:

    But i cant decide if that offer is juiciest if i dont know what the offer is!

    Do you know what their offer is at 25th november?

    Most likely 2 random highly valuable prenium modules of the game along with a handful of prenium packs.

  6. A hot take that i'll disagree on this one, smurfs are annoying and unfair to play against, that i understand, but it's the newbie's fault if they refuse to acknowledge help and proper guidance to better themselves, there's no point trying to fix anything when your approach to help them only have them being thankful to you with a homosexual slur, and again, even if you were to genuinely help them to improve or deal with smurfs yourselves, they would still shoot themselves in the leg and complain while playing the game in the least efficient way possible, and just so you know, right in this thread, we have a well known face of those people who accuse Alex of being a loli hentai pendophile because their packing opening results were bad. You don't hand over an anti material high caluber sniper riffle of the most modern engineering in weapon design to a bonobo ape and expect it to assasinate the president of the United States, leave them to suffer till they open their eyes.

  7. This is just like having to decipher an ancient war lord's map filled with riddles, codes only to acquire the keys to the treasure which require another map full of riddles and codes to acquire the treasure being his his golden spit bucket's barely 5 bucks in today's value, and the thing isn't even made with real gold.

    Jokes and all, just play the game normally and sets out your own goal to build your infrastructure and resources on a daily basis, expecting the shining golden light from the fortune boxes is a lost cause, personal experience from someone whose inventory's in a severe case of clogging so bad i have to make power kits from base and have to use epic items as fusion fodder.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Alex2040bR said:

    Because? you have to invest time to get the tokens...

    If you mean the level of difficulty,
    yes, it has been easy compared to other raids

    But... Not it's free

    I have pulled more quad core booster from big boy insane fortune boxes more than actually OP legendaries from farmable portals, maybe my standards are just....too high ? but even then, it felt underwhelming as hell for clearing all difficulty, would take a clear only once portal over this any day for im in a more desperate need for gold, but hey, christmas portal comes in a month or so.

  9. Welcome to the Supermechs global chat, if one's getting bad luck drops and don't have enough tokens for offers, it's not because they are playing the game in the least efficient way possible, for according to their logic it's because the game's developers are furry hentai pedophiles who refuse to update the game thus they have drops, truely the mindset of future top player, and blaming is easier and more badass than acknowledging how much of a moron they are.

  10. Did you know that the average truck in this current modern world weights around nearly 4 tons ? that's a whopping 4000KG for just your average everyday medium duty truck, and yet we have a mechanical robot firing rockets and bullets that weights only one ton, not to mentione a giant mech weapon in game that's only 8kg in weight, its essentially just a paper mache glued to the side of your mech if it's THAT light, making the average in game mech would be just 2 times taller than your average Toyota Camry Blue at best.

  11. 3 hours ago, Asther said:

    I feel like 15/50/150 is just way too much for a single event, as that alone is worth 2 years or so of grinding. 

    In my opinion something, less overboard would work. For example 1/2.5/5 with a moderately easy portal, or 2.5/5/10 for a harder one. 

    ps: mind the accidental lock :x

    2 years of grinding only to consume them all in less than a few months....yikes

  12. Since 2022 is coming to an end and we are getting close to a new holiday in asia, i would like to propose an entirely different kind of portal instead of the old ones, basing on the Asia's tradition of handling out lucky envelope full of resources, i figure we should have a portal like that, considering how right before this holiday we already have a ton of things like gifts and boxes from the major events like christmas and black friday, this portal should have as follows. :

    - 2023 is the year of the rabbit so it should fun that we have the rabbit ears perk as a possible drop.
    - None of the portal difficulties can drop legendaries, or epics, or any items for all that matter.
    - However, they will instead drop massive quantity amount of gold for each difficulty clears, my proposal should be something like :
     + Easy : 15.000.000 gold
     + Hard :  50.000.000 gold
     + Insane : 150.000.000 gold

    You may just look at this and think this is WAY TOO OP and this provide a monstrous amount of gold for everyone, trust me, its not, clearing all difficulty should handsomely pay you a nice pay out of 215.000.000 gold, this may seems like an amount that every low rank players think they will never have to grind for gold ever again in their life, but for the average top players that runs higher end mechs with maxed myth and devine stats, making items and devining them as well as making power kits in the base for these items will burn out all of that gold in less than 3 months, let alone a year.

  13. They really should remove those arena coins from the 25 packs offer and instead throw in more gold to encourage people to buy them more, the 4k offer's more of a higher end offer that most likely high rank players with decked out arena shop would buy anyway, having those arena coins in would be pointless if you ask me, proposing something as a removal of those coins and instead have you 5mil gold instead of that dinkly 2mil gold.

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