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PB3K last won the day on December 16 2021

PB3K had the most liked content!


About PB3K

  • Birthday 01/17/1982

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  1. Happy Birthday 🎂  🎈 

  2. The boss and myself are trying to lose around 50 lbs total, we both want to be around 180ish again... we're both just a hair under 6' so it's a comfortable weight. she wants to lose old baby weight, and mine is beer weight lol
  3. I can remember lurking in the shadows not long after the game in its Infancy (legacy era), it is addicting but also Infuriating
  4. Seems like none of the "old timers" play much anymore
  5. Im still playing this game after almost 7 years, is that a flex enough? Or stupidity?
  6. Not too bad after I mysteriously lost my first forum account
  7. Nice to see you keeping up on your tradition winzypoo
  8. I've seen others use these builds and I've seen them work, so I figured I'd try them out as well. From top to bottom- 1v1, 2v2,3v3
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