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Lin Riot

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Everything posted by Lin Riot

  1. But if we add trading then i can farm alt accounts, so we should add it
  2. Oki Doki is still one of the best players tbh, in my retired opinion
  3. ngl i think thats why i made it, was some joke thing at the time
  4. @hekral1234message me when you want to battle
  5. Brother i need it, i suck at GOAT tourneys, I dont think my goofy builds can win this time
  6. i can confirm that this info is accurate Mech Chunks 5.0 number 1 congrats on the outstanding season
  7. i swear they are just the same person though, same style of typing, same profiles.
  8. We have actually fought alot, there as a period of time where you kept trying to recruit me into your clan, also i change my statement, arena lag is very bad Game froze against a person who i actually like
  9. maybe its only you experiencing the lag issues, my game has been fine, im on a winning streak
  10. Hmm, looks like Shigiraki from mha
  11. Hmm, tempting but if i remember correctly paint dosent actually count as space as it classes as a Kit, the perks take space though which is why i got rid of most of mine, i will fuse the dupe items eventually when i have the power kits to upgrade items
  12. But we had a portal on the 4th of july, it hasent even been a month
  13. A bit late with this one as well, havent been playing much the past 2 weeks due to inv limit and me not wanting to buy space not sure if i'll do one next month cause im busy with other projects and dont have much motivation for sm
  14. Forgot about that, i have a application still unseen in there, 2 i think, and they are quite old
  15. Huh, so this is where im getting notifications from, congrats Zeus on the revival of your topic, its one of few im watching intentionally
  16. Hmm, seems like a select few have the portal, pity
  17. Oh, those style, i assumed it was ones found on tv, like this one, which was a classic Ad on NZ tv
  18. Yes, i only have 350 total slots and perks take up 15 so im at 339/350
  19. a day late with this one, did alot of grinding and surprisingly alot of maxing
  20. Just a suggestion, why not make a official thread where you post the videos instead of making a new one each time, Would make it better for your fans to watch your stuff as well as removing forum clutter, a win/win if you ask me
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