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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I hope you join the farming style at list. With such powerful acc at list keep adding goodies and do 5 wins and collect base gold. Yeah. I am one of the top 10. Just kidding. Better stick in my farming before those guys hunt me hard.
  2. you no need to make changes. Play according what you can do for now and know best.
  3. Cool. Now, you have a big issue in the mech and it is energy modules. Sure I do understand you do not have the modules but since your weapons depend from energy you are energy mech target. Energy and heat will increase maxing the modules but your regeneration will remain very low. I like you are building using plates and resist modules. You still have some weight to spare. Keep going and happy yo see your progress.
  4. Oh, Thx a lot bro. I still just testing energy, heat and resistance against top players with those mechs under development. I know it is not the best configuration but I am doing this just making parts but decided to make test with modules to see what really hold. It does good in general to keep R3+ and with hands of serious players can do much better. So far I have tested against many builds against the top 4 clans and I have been able to wreck a lot even your peers and others but still weak. The heat mech it is more reliable but against good players top ones and depend against what mechs can win but also lose been too low in health. The energy mech need a bit of buff on weapons as you mention in your video even I have been building this by logic and default not as copy just to rebalance parts that I do not have developed and still way low in many parts in need for raid, titan etc. I am playing in the low basic side of health not buffing up to 3.2k and lower energy and heat cap but the lack of divined modules is better to keep it in the way it is. I can reach R1 in all seasons as my test been able to check but still need work. Players like you are way to far of me to be able to really damage. Warrmachine do great against me and Invicktus it is another top hard to goes by in your clan and I do like those guys playing. Sure others and in the others clans but getting wins when I get focus against. Today testing incomplete mechs in OKI DOKI for fun hopping to get data for positions and damage so can in the future do play against odds. I will finish this in OKI and work then in others parts around for future mechs possibilities. I can't really make meta build as you and others with all max and divine but ok to play and create some damage here and there. As you mention, scopes are not meta at this point but I need parts. Will use mechs for basics for R3 in my busy life schedule. Phys versions I had that in mine long ago but never built lacking of drainers so never developed. Well, in general I do have mechs to sustain and play relax for R3. Will take very long to make parts and proper configurations to do better farming. Also, in my style of configuration I still lacking of some modules I need. Sure can be done in different ways and more proper but it is just preferences. Will see. In mean time will be around in the fluctuation up and down and hopping for some parts to get having bad luck in that department. My fun is to have fun making parts slowly so all it is cool. He do great for sure. He kicks my butt all the time play against him and can add to his AP.
  5. yes and do help. I am claw user as my second set built but if you do not have dual teleport use lower tele to do just the job and save energy in particular using rock recoiler and other parts energy need. Use tele advance for mechs with energy orientation to help drain more the opponent in mean time not that worthy to use and best preserve energy for the basic function.
  6. actually, for claw yes need teleport but basic rare not level up to reduce use energy usage since vulnerability against energy mech. dual tele yes it is good to scape with proper configuration.
  7. Hmm, I will say that the majority of my start position it is in favor of my opponent that include if I start to shoot or second. Anyway, I have the 65% average to lose due to pads but still ok to make game more interesting. What it is more annoying it is not the pad and the scope since I use scope or not scope mechs instead the position to start and against with whom you play in a vicious cycle with same players due to AI matching against same player or group of players regardless the hour when there are more players around.
  8. yes, farm as much you can. do daily, raid, titan. Do not miss them. Verify in what rank you can position. Request here in this forum, game chat, Discord game that you can see in this forum to join and get into a clan that will be match for your current status. There are great clans here for different levels that many in the forum can recommend and some will like to add you to their ranks. Do not feel hopeless, it is changing a lot so sometimes is best to wait before make parts to regret. Do basics, and observe and read and ask in the forum. Many can help and give direction.
  9. yes, there was some period of adaptation to this new forum. some still do not like. The game has been morphing really fast in particular since last summer as new parts came up and new ways to play and make mechs. Changes still coming soon for parts re-adjustment as buff or nerf and will change again. You will get loco.
  10. Hi, welcome back. I am less than 2 yrs player so I am a newbie. Get back your game mojo and crank it up I am fine, yes improved a bit since new owner. Well, always will be drama to say no and others yes.
  11. Still looking close to each other OD.FARM and OKI like older brother and little bro. Just one more point. My computer screen is looking very cool thx to epicspeeder.
  12. Yes I know, but that it is my real opinion about it regardless.
  13. Maxing all your items? Hmm, you are too smart to do that. You are balancing budged in an smart way and keeping a healthy amount of gold around. Even you can rank up as player with the massive power you have around it won't be that necessary. You have already good stuff max out around, just few items can make the trick but you already play as top player even kicking my butt and can be a top one. You are playing in the relaxing mode like me. You know to build properly with basics. You are not playing to move up rank so no rush to be in a top 3 clan. I do not remember in what clan are you now. You are here way longer than me even been in top when I was a mere rank 25. So, me just 1.5 years vs 4yrs in reloaded you are a top gunner if you pleased. You are doing maybe the same I am doing, steady slow motion building power making parts without the pressure been in a top 3 or else clans but the power compare or even surpass many of them. You no need to prove you are top and powerful player with one of the best acc around. Unless you want to move rank wish can do fast and join a top clan, nah... no worthy to drain that massive gold in the side and lose your serenity playing as you want to play. I won't, I am building for fun, steady, test and let the mechs rank them self. I am building for the future a powerful account and relax in lower rank. Nothing to envy in power at this point and will get even stronger at my steady and relaxing paste as you do before me. You have style.
  14. I like rc. Hope new players get it. Dumping epics without thinking properly and fuse items advanced in some ways and devastating basic arsenal to myth fast an item it is not a wise way. You save and prepare for future event and manage. Check rc power. He have an R1 account better than mine but takes his time, save a ton of gold, and develop in a steady way. He is smart. I do pre-prepare as well managing epics since I started with my niece this game. No rush, steady with common sense. Just a few around
  15. Regular internet. just words that comes to my head and add "gif" , it can be many. use image option not video option.
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