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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. not legal trade. If was allowed I will give others not in need to help but then the game will be affected on sales etc.
  2. I have one spare. Not mind to give it. Won't need. Will be food at some point.
  3. yes, a player in the past as pinkpony maybe not you but I am sure seen before in the game
  4. Hmm, I have this one around so well...lets do it. I have few others to make but not in need. Interesting. I have now in OKI 150 myth parts. Holding back in making myth parts doing L50 but my goal is to make 200 in 2 years or less. OK 50 more for the next 5 months to go. Easy Go OKI. your 150 MYTH.
  5. Hmm, The current game has been morphed back to use a lot of energy and heat mechs meaning you will be expose more with those mechs against you. The problem for that configuration always will be limited weight to compensate for energy and heat. Since the heat cooling still low you will burn plus your weapons depends of energy and generate some heat creating more issue to recover from heat every time you attack back . The other factor even have 611 in energy will be drained fast with an EMP, Mortal, Big daddy etc at close range and never will recover and at mid-long distance with a simple malice, ultrabright, last word and a simple faceshocker as drone just as example you will never recover. Below it is a reverse module set up for a standard phys mech. That will give you a balance 550 in both in energy and heat using a energy monkey and not good enough against EMP unless use Mercy. Since your torso provide lower hp and it is heat torso you are trying to compensate with extra platin. When I was playing around your rank you will face a lot of malice weapons as example since is more common to get and make it and will harm you a lot. Now, the extra energy and heat added can be ok for now but will held you hostage to move up ranks and be steady. Sure can move up with luck. It can give you an R5 with luck. Also, you have 26 spare weight. Since you have an advance teleporter it will drain more energy and will be an issue to recover energy. You need to remove that advance to a common or rare L1 basic teleporter to preserve energy during your jump to save you. I do not have that hook and I think it is phys hook that do not use energy but if does change to one not using energy.
  6. That it is the idea. No secrets there till drop dead. No sales no jobs and we have to be hunters and fishermen and collectors. American style to consume is growing. Everyone want more and more and more and the sky is not longer the limit. nice extra goodie I like the offer in the sense how I do set ups even I no need the items to make a good set up at this point because I have some of them. Now, I agree with you about no new weapons or some basic weapons in need not having at this point so can enhance according current arsenal. Arena is tuff and has been shifting too often with the rebalance. Also, matches repetition I will say it does gets old and annoying sometimes. In my case as more recent player it is harder to come up with new stuff to compete against older players and divined that can switch back to old weapons in the storage after buffing items to rebalance game. I am in a constant build and not even have parts to do properly raid and titan as example. There are some set ups that can be made with old stuff around and can get R1 been old player since I can see builds and player videos and do work properly to get it. In my case I can build them but I do not have enough weapons developed and lacking for the other activities in the game and will take long to make them creating limitation and constant lack of gold and parts available to max them up. Adding more weapons to the game also will switch more the game and only give more advantage to older players than new ones barely trying to survive in the game and still not having any of them in particular free to play since more weapons will have to go for with lack of gold having a lacking work on farming due to school or been adult working. Is gets harder and harder for new comers. I think gold enhancement in the factory for lower rank will help them to move up faster to reduce repetition with some players. I think if can be cap for a particular rank like say till R9 with double gold grant at lower rank and keep steady current as it is for the rest. We need new players to move up ranks as faster can be. Also that help rankers to have a pool to ask to add at their ranks currently in a shortage and same players jumping around from clan to clan. I still agree with you tho.
  7. Older brother and little brother likes to be hanging out like real bro-bro next to each other
  8. Do not delay too much. Will cost you if go for education. Money in the pocket then a child or so will be costly. Think properly but saving in retirement start now not when old as me. Education will be more difficult as time pass by. Trust me been an old over 50.
  9. Completing the other in process. More test and changes.
  10. Hmm, unless you know what do you want right on the spot to make big, sometimes is best to get education but not all the time is worthy but for me it was. For jobs education it is a need and more education will follow never stopping to be at current or barely survive. Heat is good but energy regen still a bit low but ok if can manage.
  11. WOW, you live in the game. I am sporadic since no time. Just the forum and farm when can for a few min then back to work. pvp when really can do it but not a lot. I work 6-7 days 14hrs + and family. Old guy you know.
  12. Not time in reality. I am currently working but I have the page open and when rest a bit then check and make a comment or two. At same time I can click for farming but not real pvp since can't get focus due to work. Few pvp around at the right moment trying to keep balance between both accounts.
  13. Hi ladies and gentlemen pilots. Sometimes some people ask me if I change name, or someone else have similar mechs etc. Just in case, OKI DOKI and O.D FARM accounts it is the same person OKI DOKI. O.D. FARM original name was OKI DOKI FARM but changed due to account communication issues in the past and both were independent accounts as independent solo clans but for some months merged together in only one Mech Chunks clan my clans names version 1 and 2 then recently joined to CANDELA INC both of them. My accounts progress were merged in the previous forum and in the new I separated both in their progress thread. OKI DOKI progress little by little and O.D. FARM progress little by little. and can be found in the Discussion area as general topic which I update progress time to time. You may be confuse because I in purpose delayed OKI DOKI in some ways to have O.D. FARM reach same level and play both at almost same capacity of similar power and if luck with parts then test in similar ways. My current test parts are in this mech set identical in OKI and OD. FARM Those are parts for general use not in mind to make the mech just parts but using it in a temp way to test different configurations and parts under development. Just in case you wonder who is O.D FARM during pvp or here in the forum.
  14. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Master+Chief+without+a+Helmet&form=IRIBEP&ajf=60&first=1&cw=1269&ch=646&tsc=ImageBasicHover
  15. I know how looks 117 without helmet. He is older than me and more classic than Master Chief. Please don't tell anyone. Military secret.
  16. My R3 box. Not that bad. Keep giving relics. I won't say no.
  17. Nice. Those stars keep moving up. Now, terrible box. R1 reward it is so awesome. Man, so much work you did just for that box. WOW, My first UPC . Rank box in OKI
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