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Everything posted by iSwarky

  1. Maybe 250k is more ideal as what are your chances on getting a mythical? Just because it says its 1% doesnt means it HAS TO give a myth in every 100 tries (a ytber i watch was tryna hit a 1% and it took him around 700 times) Yes i tried to make it cheap (because of like the whole situation where the game isnt really getting new things) but i have gone a bit too far with it being cheap (and without base the only way of getting a legendary is by spending tokens ONLY on shop so i tried to add some non-token boxes that can give legendaries)
  2. I WANT IT BACK NOOOOOOOOOOOO Oops sorry mb. Forgot to write that these would have been disabled that if you had base But what is your overall opinion on these boxes?
  3. No one wants the bases either way lol So if bases ever gets removed/or you dont even have one these boxes could be an option I had to write this a bit quick as i was going somewhere so the prices being a bit off is quite normal (i tried to make them somewhat cheap for a good item drop as we are not getting updates and the only source of legendarys are premium packs/premium boxes)
  4. I JUST made a suggestion topic about it its about adding new boxes you can check it out
  5. The shop feels so empty especially if u have base enabled right? So i got some ideas for new boxes (most of them are buy-able with coins) Rare box - 5k coins - gives 3 rare items (guaranteed) Epic box - 10k coins - gives 2 epic items Mystery box - 50k coins - 50% chance of rare - 30% chance of epic - 10% chance of legendary - 9% chance of common - %1 chance of a mythic item (gives 3 items) Token box - free but can get every 7 days - 50-10 tokens If you have any ideas or some changes to the prices let me know by replying
  6. I've seen like clevername he didnt uploaded for a long time Did the new devs didnt add a new weapon or something?
  7. HOOOOO MAN im finally back. I wasnt able to play the game for like 3 months (since the school was kinda busy) but im so glad that my account is still alive and im back So u r probably saying yeah what about it? Im asking like what happenened when i was gone what they added and hows the meta going? Because i feel like i need to learn the entire game all over again I remember some people like spam if you can shortly explain tht would be epic.
  8. I tried to get a pfp and a signature did that worked rn?
  9. (Sorry i couldnt find a good topic it says its discussions lol) Ah yes the rank 11 10 pain im going through that right and and its like a wild west. Lets say you hoped for a heat based enemy mech but the enemy came energy. ALWAYS GO FOR THE SWEET SPOTS. There is ALWAYS a range (usually i find it 2-3) that they can only fire one weapon. Because of them being able use a weapon only once they have to burn one of their turns to walking/getting to a better range. You ALWAYS go for that sweet spot every time. If the enemy comes with heat i usually go to the range and cooldown. Another important thing is to STAY PATIENT. When i face against a heat guy i wait for a long time to make my drone get him to low hp. When he is low enough i just use my weapons. Same as energy but instead of cooling down you fire ONCE and go to the spot. And btw this is kinda off topic but how do i get a profile pic? And how do i get something like spam and W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T does (spam: bring back the confetti) (whiteout: the mid ranks are the holy ranks change my mind)
  10. Tbh this is how games like brawl stars fell down. I was a player of that game and usually i didnt got something good for a litte while but when your time comes you re gonna get lucky. Personally i dont think this game has bad drop rates (even if there is now gato games just gives us way to many tokens to progress ourselves) i wasnt the most unluckiest and the most luckiest player but i still enjoyed the game. But there is really nothing you can do in these luck based games
  11. Tbh it looks like a weird idea (which i think it is) but it might be a useful. Think it like cheaper base items thing. I know it might be not such useful for the players like CleverName and other people who maxed the arena shop . But like the majority of the people playing this game dont have the shop maxed. So i thought maybe this will ease the arena shop by a litte bit (again this is just the concept and an idea so dont take it seriously)
  12. Ok sorry man but my main langauge is not english and i didnt understand 40% of the things you wrote
  13. Again you didnt read it correctly and misunderstood it. I said that this is just an idea. No one said that the game is getting that. And i still think that this will not be balanced. I dont want it to be in the game personally but this whole topic is about an idea
  14. Kind of yes because nearly everyone uses zarkares/windigo as a torso in ranks 11-9 and as weapons they nearly never use physicals because everyone has like 60+ res on them and im someone uses physicals
  15. Yeah if they are using something like zarkares windigo or HBA i can understand they dont have any affect on them since they are made for heat
  16. Yeah thats the reason why it needs some sort of balance but i couldnt think about something to balance this Dude i fricking said that this is just an idea and it needs a lot of nerfs to balance this Read the topic correctly then answer dude.
  17. Dude this happenes to me like 20/3 campaigns i play and the campaigns gets counted.
  18. So i knew about thid a long time ago and i wanted to share it. So what happenes is that when you re on campaign (i didnt tested it on arena) with a weapon with infinite/2 uses you spam the button of the weapon. Because of you spamming there is like a 0.2 second delay where you can fire the weapon again without the game blocking you from doing that. I did that with a flaming hammer. I smacked the bot once he got pushed 3 tiles away and i literally jumped another 3 tiles to hit the bot again and the bot got knocked 3 tiles away again. (As i said i didnt tested this on an arena fight and sometimes it doesn't even block you from using the same weapon again)
  19. I think this is the reason there is 2 important elements. Heat and Energy. You cant balance both of them at the same time. Even if you re using like QCB and OP. What counter is that lets say you made an energy build and your enemy is ONLY using energy mods. They have a very litte amount of heat but they have a lot of energy. Thats the counter type im talking about.
  20. Ah yes the counter pain. Nearly everyone hates them. Your mech is based on something and they completely use mods especially on the thing your mech is based on. But lets say you re 1 win avay from getting rank 1 for the first time but fighted against a counter. What should you do? (I can just sense someone typing "go cry in a corner and leave" lol)
  21. If the user has some sort of recoiler you re done for. Everytime you try to get close to them they will just use recoiler and savagery. (Personally i still think that the range of corrupt light and malice beam should be same as savagery/hysteria)
  22. Tbh i changed the topic thingy once and now idk how to change it again
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