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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Cole_Since_2012

  1. I'm currently creating a 3rd mech! I have been holding back until I collected more parts, and now that I have, I want to put it together. I have a boiler mech idea, mixed energy mech, and a heat scope mech. Inventory (including items from first 2 mechs)
  3. I dont believe so... Someone double check me on this, but I think your reward is basically like a Premium Box; it's most likely an epic, but it can be a legendary.
  4. These both are examples of good builds that arent really cheap builds, but rather smart with the weapons and equipment put together.
  5. I'd consider this a very lucky opening. I got more legendaries, but these are the premiums.
  6. This certain bug/hacker report has caught my attention, so I went out and gathered some info for a bit. Now, I'm using the lightning vest with Platinum Fortress. If I remember correctly, heat and lightning vests both have the same physical resistance. Though, I do not have Platinum Fortress divined. But if you do do the math, it gives 4 more, but with resistance bonus in the arena tokens shop, that's actually 6 more. Meaning the max should be 180, or maybe its rounding down to 179, either way. Your battle was flawed in some way and you should definitely report that person for either abusing a bug, or cheating. The case is closed.
  7. 4/10 right now. Great weapon choice, you can control your enemy's position fairly well. Horrible cooling, anyone with a heat bomb build has you checkmated. Your drone complements your build because 2-4 is where you realistically want your opponent. Get charge. If you ever get quad core booster module, replace the dual storage with that. Maybe focus more on the modules that give you both heat and cooling/energy and regen instead of the mixed storage modules and regen modules for right now once you unlock them. Do these and you got a 7/10. Make sure your 2nd mech complements this one as well. I made the mistake of building my 2nd mech a long range build when my 1st one is built for short/mid range
  8. I have several things I need to post here. 1. I DELETED THE LEGACY BUTTER KNIFE!! the one that flung the opponent across the map. :(( 2. I used my legendary power kits regularly whenever I first converted them. :(( 3. I got rid of the legacy jumping legs. :(( (This is on my main account Cole_Since_2012. I still have 2 other accounts that I kept legacy items on them, including one having healing drone.)
  9. I have been focusing on both of my mechs, but modules wise, I've been focusing on maxing my first mech's first since the 2nd one is energy free. But yes! That is my 2nd Fire Monkey torso. The Sparked Runners I can use in the far future in case I wanna build 3 lightning mechs that use rollers.
  10. VERY GOOD DEAL! I didnt get anything special from the boxes. Was kinda hoping on getting the claw or some sort of meta lightning/heat weapon. On the plus side, I have 3 Sparked Runners now, meaning any extras I get are myth food since you can only use 3 mechs at the same time.
  11. They have not removed the shield slot. They should totally implement the shields back into the game. It would create a lot more possible builds, or recreate specific METAs and simplify what people should be working towards. Either way, I think they would good (re)addition to the game.
  12. I want to flex this game of me being an absolute bully to a future no skill frantic brute + claw user.
  13. Oohh, there is a free box. Anyways, I got Spinfall, Night Eagle, EMP, as myth food. (Spinefall is trash.) As a good legendary item, I got Sparked Runners. Cheers!
  14. You need to use Puffin in order to get it now.
  15. I got Distance Shredder, Platinum Grapple, myth food, and 3 Legendary Ascension Relics. I'd say I got decently lucky.
  16. This is beautiful, keep going. As a person with severe OCD I am enthralled at the sight of this. One critique though, why make 4 of the Torsos and Legs if you can only use 3 mechs? Isn't that a bit wasteful on resources?
  17. Thank you very much! I did not realize that it was a embedded photo and not a screenshot. HAHA!
  18. I can't seem to find any, whenever I do search CleverName, nothing pops up. :T
  19. Hello, I remember back about a year and a half ago, a now retired fellow named CleverName had a META Build thread, and I was wondering if there was still such a thing. I am looking for good builds and I need some realistic reference in order to know what I should build towards with what I have.
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