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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Cole_Since_2012

  1. It is now updated, and now that it is, I will update you guys on legendary my inventory! Not very big, I know, but I can do a few things here... My thought is to make either a energy or dual frantic. I do have components to do so. blue = energy yellow = dual frantic I dont really know which path to take.
  2. Ohhhhh boy do I have a lot to update on this, I am still semi-active on the game. On the forum? Not so much... Hello guys!
  3. Top message has been updated to recent results of my account. Side note: I have been grinding a lot, and have gotten over 800k+ gold just today, my grind is not over, and I am currently done with my first mech. I have moved on to grinding my second mech.
  4. You kinda got something going on with Night Eagle and Back Breaker, maybe Annihilation as a follow up with the Seraph blade. Keep the Nightfall, that can also be a mid-distance follow-up. Backbreaker is kinda eh for your build, but since there's nothing to replace it with, just keep it. Also, you need better cooling and regen stats, though you don't have the modules for it. Whenever you do though, maybe start thinking about switching some modules up.
  5. Lmao, you wish. I know that there used to be a way and a couple ppl took advantage of it.
  6. No offense at all, but you need some weapons that compliment each other. :T
  7. So, I maxed my drone, then got my Electric Generator thingy legendary, I'm now working on leveling up uncommon power kits for food to level it up. ALSO UPDATE ON THE CLAN THING: I realize now that I may need to join a clan because of the various rewards I can get from it, since I'm an active player, I probably should join one because I can provide some stuff to help with clans. So if any recruiters are around, I'm an active 11-9 rank if ya' need one. Awe man, it got rid of the black paint.
  8. I'm downloading it to see if it works. Thanks for the suggestion. Even if you weren't talking to me. Update on Puffin Browser: It works, Flash works, go ahead and download it and toggle the search browser to Google. (You will see and know what I'm talking about once you download it and use it) Then go to Super Mechs and log in. You should be able to get it.
  9. I don't like using epics to upgrade, I could use them as food to make legendaries, then use those as food for mythicals. Wow! I got trash from both the egg I bought, and the egg I got for free! What amazing luck I have!
  10. I'm very close to maxing the drone, but it's such a slow process to get food, then use that food to upgrade power kits.
  11. Trash, also, this was not a free one. I bought this one. I will be expecting my free one to have better loot.
  12. Thank you! That will take a lot of time, but I will keep this in mind, thank you very much!
  13. It's actually near 9:28, those freebie boxes aren't the reward lmao.
  14. Every L-M item you get you should keep unless it's a absolute trash one.
  15. Hi guys! My name is Cole obviously. I'm a returning player under the name of Cole_Since_2012. (I have two ALTs [one with Tier One Heal Drone]) First off, I am a rank 7-5 player. My first mech is supposedly a META build. DS + Mercy (2 Resistance Drainer Variation). My second mech is a Frantic + Spartan build. High Energy + Heat stats, as I used Lightning Vest to have a little more res against heat, and not struggle as hard against Energy mechs (I HATE using Frantics and Spartans with a passion). My First Mech: My Second Mech: My Third Mech: I will not be sending my third mech. All you need to know is that is a gross Boiler Build. My Current Plan: Idek at this point lol.
  16. You just get some power kits i believe, maybe a legendary relic? I can't remember fully, it's been so long.
  17. GUYS I SAID THIS ONCE BEFORE BUT NOW I'M SERIOUS LMAO. I am aware that, that was last year, but I don't care. Just wanna say hi! I'll be browsing around here and there, though, Super Mechs related, I will be mostly grinding coins and XP on Super Mechs every day. I missed you guys! I do not know if I'm going to be requesting for clans tho. I'm an Arena 11-9 I believe and I will continue to grind to be higher! I will l probably create topics to ask questions n' stuff, so yeah! Hi guys! How are you guys doing? :D
  18. Hello guys! It's been a hot minute, yeah? Well. Ever since Flash shut down, I couldn't play Super Mechs on my Chromebook. Which is the main thing I use. I also did not have a phone once the Flash shut down happened. But now, my parents had gave me one of their phones and hey, I got Super Mechs back! Now, I thought at this time I would be rank 7-5 because of grinding if the incident didn't happen, but I'm still stuck at rank 11-9. So hey, just wanted to say I'm back, and I'm glad I can finally return to the community. Also I am clanless and I am using this as in introduction to any requests lmao
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