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Everything posted by RaymondL1747

  1. Its better to build ur own mech bc the mechs in the shops are a scam and garbage
  2. I agree with the nemo as swoop's replacement, the only problem is the lack of damage and ability to destroy the opponents resistance, but I guess heat huggers don't really focus on damage, but rather destroy heat capacity and cooling.
  3. It could work, but top ranks are ran by heat hugger builds and your mech's cooling is low
  4. Since we dont know the mods, these are the builds that could work: note: Windforge could be replaced by rail gun
  5. Solid build, 7.8/10, the mechs hp is low, mods should be legendary at least, make torso mythical first, and put in a savior resistance if you can get one. Also change grappling hook to heat instead of a physical one. Keep the teleporter at level 1 as a common, its much more efficient. Possibly consider Nightmare for extra weight. I'd recommend a build like this one:
  6. RaymondL1747


    It’s alright, we all make mistakes
  7. RaymondL1747


    how am I a clown, I'm just simply helping you understand what he/she said.
  8. RaymondL1747


    I'll translate it for u, "good morning, can you please get rid of base, my supermechs id is 57966792"
  9. that works too but its hp and resistance is low, I'd remove one heat cap and one energy cap for a plating and resistance module
  10. its difficult to make a good heat mech due to lack of modules and essential weapons, these are prob the best build for heat with your current inventory note: the mechs above do not have arena buffs on with arena buffs:
  11. can you show the stats of your mechs? Off the bat I'd say remove nightfall for extra space for possible modules, your first mech use a combined resistance module instead, its better to protect all a little, than project one well same thing with your second mech use a combined resistance module instead of using one fortress
  12. Nothing really interesting to watch in anime ig, just waiting for new seasons for animes
  13. I mean their alright, its low in hp but has low weight
  14. Holy cow, thats a ton of items. Could you spare a red rain or a spartan carnage, maybe even a platinum plating
  15. simply mute them and you won't see their chats anymore
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