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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by antimagnatism

  1. physical weapons are the best energy free weapons to deal thoses hysteria /malicebeam users, but however, that combo could be actually good even on top ranks
  2. wait for a 4k, or if u want get a good 2k one
  3. can you give us a screenshot/picture of your mech?, to give us more information to help u
  4. oh lol so, u can be banned if u got reported by swearing of somewhat?
  5. u got there nice meta weapons and torsos n legs, try upgrade to mhytical the torsos and then start with the weapons, finally legs, upside to u, the first one u have a basic starter heat mech, with savagery and corrupt light combo, and that flaminator to avoid wasting energy, try get modules because both mechs lacks of cooling and regen, anyways, u got there nice things to do, good luck.
  6. imagine thoses new hybrid variant, that damages heat y energy and instead consumes your health, it would be balanced, idk, or consume both of these?
  7. two metas things and one esencial legend, good one, golem use it for food, because it doenst have mhytical variant
  8. alr lets do a simple maths if a premium crate cost 335, we need to know how much its the discount. 335x15 equals 5025, so, the discount its so good for 15 premium boxes, unfortunately, there are even betters offers, that includes 12 packages, and some good premium cores, and that exclusive one for 4K, having 20 boxes, and also quadcore and defense matrix, so up to you if u wait for more
  9. maybe thoses fortunes have different rng?, wow.
  10. uh depends, savagery and corrupt light is the typical starter combo, platinum vests and massive sets are for top tier mechs, so, get mpv first
  11. why there different fortunes boxes separated?
  12. nah, ur just a happy supermechs enjoyer
  13. Your Clan defeated a Titan!!!
  14. a supermechs veteran of approximately 5 years would doubt whether continuing to play would be a good idea, due to the competition, the number of players, or simply there are no longer reasons or personal circumstances to continue playing it, therefore perhaps the majority of the clan should have abandoned it, thus It's the human mind, one doubts when you really think if it's worth continuing to support or play, in that case what happened to the clan, honestly I don't see much competition in the game anymore, maybe there is, but it doesn't compare to its days of glory, which is what made you want to continue playing it, and it was entertaining, seeing only 50-100 players per day is somewhat boring, especially since most of them are smurf bot farmers who don't even lack a strategy, that loses interest in the game.
  15. a question, how will be the payment? (sorry for my grammar)
  16. sorry for necroposting lol, focuse on energy, u have malice beam and hysteria, but u can make another mech focusing on physical ones, u have anhilitation,, viking hammer, rock recoiler and also the frantic brute
  17. focuse on a one type of mech, its kinda hard to manage and having a decent strategy having two types, so try create another mech with those physical items and thoses electric ones, max frantic brute, rock recoiler or keep raising your mech stats instead of damage
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