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About NeoPrism

  • Birthday May 10

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  1. 1. sometime next year 2. sometime next decade 3.
  2. if you're one-in-a-million who just so happened to get falsely banned, contact the admins if not, well, sucks to suck
  3. https://forum.supermechs.com/forum/ucp.php?mode=sendpassword go here and enter your username and/or the email connected to the account
  4. not possible, most if not all items were wiped from the files (or made neatly hidden for folk like us)
  5. Noted, you have been named "Gay Chaos". Keep your distance. Good Night, Good Luck.
  6. workshop is broken so it just does that
  7. that's... not allowed by the TOS...
  8. It has only accepted paypal for like... the entirety of the game's lifespan Just create an account, hook up the card, complete the purchase and remove the card?
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