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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by HeIIfire

  1. the net rewards are being decreased my friend
  2. Hey guys look, an anti close range energy mech lmao
  3. Take this conversation to spam if you're going to keep talking about it.
  4. bruh if you farm portal in insane you basically always get epics, just farm Btw I forgot to flex getting flame spear on my alt, but I never took a picture of it from the fortune, here's it in my inventory, I just need solar torch
  5. I got 5 perks so far but no legendaries just 10 epics and 6 rares
  6. Disintegration is way better then annihilation, end of story smh anyway, got the hat on my first second and third run pretty good drop rates, normally I struggle to get the perks smh anyway, thanks Gato
  7. I can now stomp 7 spaces away at the cost of not able to use my scope? ok lol
  8. Hello everyone, I hope everything is going well! spring is coming, pog! Annnnyway we have 5 spots open for anyone that is rank 10 or higher and can do at least 10 arena wins per season.
  9. Bruh, can't get rid of these cursed beasts! this is the 40th one I've pulled if you count across my acc's
  10. Ah yes, just flexing my progress on the flying boot one legged mech style
  11. Alright, I'm sure everyone's pets here are all nice and all, but I'm not sure if they compare to looking out the window and seeing one of your goats standing on your horse
  12. I think premium boxes are better. Packs have never gotten me any worthwhile L-M meanwhile I've gotten a few very good drops from premium boxes such as a magma, a plat plat, and a MPV.
  13. Well, sm just turns black each time I open a box.
  14. I don't understand why everytime I open any type of box/chest/pack My screen turns black and I need to reload the game Why does this happen?
  15. I got a premium box, saw the legendary card and hoped for an L-M, and see this- kinda disappointed ngl
  16. This was from a few days ago, but big flex that I never shared here I think
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