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Apex Ruler, Bastion

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  1. Sad
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from noㅤ in Nearly lost of my SM account today   
    No idea, lost my account the same way, but Facebook didn't want to connect to supermechs anymore so all the effort just flew away and I started a new account through Google play since it was the most reliable there.
  2. Like
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from OKI DOKI in What should I food?   
    Ok so, got incredibly and I mean unbelievably lucky and got about a total of more than 10+ fortune boxes today
    4 were legendary
    4-5 were epic
    7-8 were rare
    Not sure how what are the odds of that cause I was getting them back to back and was eventually able to ascend mpv, trashed HPV, cockpit burner, heat paws, dual storage, and a energy generator I had cause i had an extra one
    Hope that was a good investment 
  3. Like
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from supermechupdateyourgamepls in What should I food?   
    Ok so, got incredibly and I mean unbelievably lucky and got about a total of more than 10+ fortune boxes today
    4 were legendary
    4-5 were epic
    7-8 were rare
    Not sure how what are the odds of that cause I was getting them back to back and was eventually able to ascend mpv, trashed HPV, cockpit burner, heat paws, dual storage, and a energy generator I had cause i had an extra one
    Hope that was a good investment 
  4. Like
    Apex Ruler, Bastion reacted to TRG Kai in What should I food?   
    Agreeing with OKI DOKI
  5. Thanks
    Apex Ruler, Bastion reacted to OKI DOKI in What should I food?   
    With honesty, the legendary parts are important for now. your epic drone also important. 
    As free player, it is hard sometimes to get basic parts. Some are epics that sometimes takes very long to get back and sometimes some of them, repeat very often and at some point, will stop to repeat and will move to another. We eat what we get easy and reserve for 2-3 mechs those parts and the rest can be use more for meat.
    Right now, you need to focus not into what you will end dismantling instead to make. This is the reason many players quit or screw up badly their progress. You end up barebone instead to save parts and take the time to prepare them. 
    Not showing what you can eat, just showing me making parts that back then I can use to eat to make legends. Below it is an example of parts I made L30 then to keep making epics from rare or saving from farm grants and sure some because maybe some offers. Even with offers, I was making parts to make things work better. Those there were waiting to make epics then make 10 legends for meat. 

    Then making them 

    Then making the desire part 

    You need to be careful as well and should always have 100 parts on reserve for meat accumulated not in the storage but in mix reserve boxes to cover one of the tokens days grants that will need them to eat. 
    Build up the reserve 
    Make parts to epic from rare parts, if possible, for less cost but you can make them from common. It is an investment that have to happen or work in the base for a possible epic part, but it is expensive. 
    Do a good farming and save. Will take few weeks for the reserves if farm enough and make the parts. You can get parts also from the base Level 2 and pick from rare and maybe epic drop. 
    Do not screw up your possibilities and stability having so limited arsenal. I preserve parts from day1. 
  6. Like
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from OKI DOKI in What should I food?   
    Ascending mpv to myth just wondering what stuff is not worth the effort and should just food it now
    Or should I just wait till I get more legendary items?

    Just in case here's my build

  7. Like
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Nearly lost of my SM account today   
    No idea, lost my account the same way, but Facebook didn't want to connect to supermechs anymore so all the effort just flew away and I started a new account through Google play since it was the most reliable there.
  8. Like
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from bestplayeroftheworld in Progress and questions about what to do next   
    Small upgrade from fortune box
    Should I legend vandal rage or Regen?
    Also with what I have is firefly better or just stick with nemo (both are same lvl)

  9. Like
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from bestplayeroftheworld in Progress and questions about what to do next   
    Considering it actually, but don't have enough stuff to transform it to legend
  10. Like
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from bestplayeroftheworld in Progress and questions about what to do next   
    Got better/upgraded mods but can't stop getting energy booster and twin storage for some reason 
    (May be a sign to start building my 2nd mech)

  11. Like
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Progress and questions about what to do next   
    Got better/upgraded mods but can't stop getting energy booster and twin storage for some reason 
    (May be a sign to start building my 2nd mech)

  12. Confused
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from Izumi-Chan in Cant login   
    For some reason it logged me out and since then I can't login through my facebook account. Already tried logging in with google play but nothing happened
  13. Sad
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Cant login   
    For some reason it logged me out and since then I can't login through my facebook account. Already tried logging in with google play but nothing happened
  14. Like
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Mech improvement   
    then what happens to my 1area. I'm assuming you mean have lightning recoiler paired with last words and malice beams? also i just got hysteria should i replace a malice beam with it?
  15. Thanks
    Apex Ruler, Bastion reacted to luCyfer in Clan Chest bug   
    Best way to bypass this is to full your inventory, then box will go to unopened boxes and you can open it from here 
  16. Confused
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from RackzOnYaHead__ in Clan Chest bug   
    for some reason whenever i try to access the clan fight chest it just says this and i cant interact with the game anymore except for exiting

  17. Like
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Mech improvement   
    I hope someone sees this.
    Although im not upgrading this right  now. I wanna ask if i should replace piercing fox with last words or get rid of piercing fox and hammer and give it lightning recoiler

  18. Haha
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from ihookedyou in Clan Chest bug   
    for some reason whenever i try to access the clan fight chest it just says this and i cant interact with the game anymore except for exiting

  19. Thanks
    Apex Ruler, Bastion reacted to OKI DOKI in Mech improvement   
    All depend on your current full inventory and how often you play and grind. 
    Generally speaking, if you are new, it is normal to have whatever part in use to keep moving on. Subjections are based normally in best parts available and basic common sense of what can be done or what in the long or short run will be a waste. 
    This does not mean is wrong set up for now. As mentioned, all depend on inventory. 
    Generally speaking, long run bad items. Does not mean is right for now. 
    1- Frantic Flame  Some player use the item and can pack a good deal of damage but not good for top. Sure, it can be combined and, in some ways, can be useful at any rank. Personally, I will not use it and I do not have one under development. Do not waste gold there for now. Hold back in that item. 
    2- You can use better this one instead of Frantic Flame. It is a decent weapon and versatile and decent on top ranks to at some degree. 
    3- All your side weapons are ok. Hammer item used on top. Heat weapons for now are fine till some rank. It is not a total waste to some degree. 
    4- Legs are not that good now. Use if nothing else but are not that good. Can be a waste depending on resources.
    5- Top weapon still decent till some top rank
    6- Modules  are ok for now, max them to legend L40 and epic L30 then transform as priority. Enhancing weapons, legs and torso will increase HP and difficulty will be harder. Just go for the modules for now in a balanced way. 
  20. Like
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Mech improvement   
    I recently got back a month ago and managed to get a lot of heat related items. I just want some tips to head me into the right direction.

  21. Like
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from hasn in Mech improvement   
    I only have the lightning one. should be good for now right? should i legend it? my energy mech (even though i haven't upgraded it yet) already has a viking hammer and piercing fox.
  22. Like
    Apex Ruler, Bastion got a reaction from hasn in Mech improvement   
    I recently got back a month ago and managed to get a lot of heat related items. I just want some tips to head me into the right direction.

  23. Thanks
    Apex Ruler, Bastion reacted to Flawed in Mech improvement   
    Replace your War Hammer and Cracked Plasma Cannon with one of the Recoilers (when you get one). Make your Flaminator legendary, and you should focus on making your Wendigo mythical. Upgrade your modules.
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