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Hello everyone!

Since today I am in search of a new clan, maybe there are people who are ready to give me a place at home?)

I will transfer the leadership of my past clan to one of the reliable forum members, about this write to me in private messages on the forum or discord (scarletlorv).

I am not a very active player and if anything I can give for a temporary storage of my account to a person who has earned my trust.

I hope I will soon find a clan where I will have a great time.

Edited by Scarlet Lorv (see edit history)



I like Fluffeh 💀

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5 hours ago, Thrill fly said:

i can be a temporary owner but if i am how long will it be for??

Dude, lol, I don't know you, so I don't trust you much.

Who would I give an account to? I can give it to any person who traveled the forum with me, played with me and talked.

By the way, Ace, would you like to see what it's like at rank 9 and build me a test build for multiplayer? I would be very happy.

P. S. I want to break the record and raise it to rank 6 (I know it sounds impossible, but somehow I got to rank 7)

4 hours ago, MaveRick said:

Invitation available:)

What are you talking about? I'm not a very active player (fighting clan wars, attacking a titan, doing 20 wins a week), so I can't afford to have a clan that's too active. What clan are you talking about, to be honest, I did not understand. Explain)



I like Fluffeh 💀

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10 minutes ago, Scarlet Lorv said:

Dude, lol, I don't know you, so I don't trust you much.

Who would I give an account to? I can give it to any person who traveled the forum with me, played with me and talked.

By the way, Ace, would you like to see what it's like at rank 9 and build me a test build for multiplayer? I would be very happy.

P. S. I want to break the record and raise it to rank 6 (I know it sounds impossible, but somehow I got to rank 7)

What are you talking about? I'm not a very active player (fighting clan wars, attacking a titan, doing 20 wins a week), so I can't afford to have a clan that's too active. What clan are you talking about, to be honest, I did not understand. Explain)

fair point


honstley do i to a person you trust (like crazy) i completley understand what you mean 🙂

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6k wins are related to 1v1 plays. It is possible if all players play enough. CANDELA INC. was a clan that played for 5K all the time 1v1 and 2k for 2X2 and 3V3 currently ACE is the leader. Some other clans like WLgang used to be 5k-6k all the time and some clans even made 10k. Sure, I guess those 10k were not that normal. 😂 

There are not that many players in the game playing enough wins as used to be. 😔 I am not included, I have been 35 wins because family and work, but I did my share during CANDELA pushing the numbers required. Was not easy for me to be honest been too busy. 

I will day that it is nice to be able to reach 5k and get the goodies. I progressed a lot thx to my teammates. I miss to play with them.  Sadly, it is work and family reality. When I am writing here, I am resting a bit from work but acutally normally working day and night like now it is midnight and I need to finish a report in 30min and go to sleep and be up at 5am for the boss meeting. 🥴 



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10 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

6k wins are related to 1v1 plays. It is possible if all players play enough. CANDELA INC. was a clan that played for 5K all the time 1v1 and 2k for 2X2 and 3V3 currently ACE is the leader. Some other clans like WLgang used to be 5k-6k all the time and some clans even made 10k. Sure, I guess those 10k were not that normal. 😂 

There are not that many players in the game playing enough wins as used to be. 😔 I am not included, I have been 35 wins because family and work, but I did my share during CANDELA pushing the numbers required. Was not easy for me to be honest been too busy. 

I will day that it is nice to be able to reach 5k and get the goodies. I progressed a lot thx to my teammates. I miss to play with them.  Sadly, it is work and family reality. When I am writing here, I am resting a bit from work but acutally normally working day and night like now it is midnight and I need to finish a report in 30min and go to sleep and be up at 5am for the boss meeting. 🥴 




That righty these were fun times  at Candela 

every week we  got the tokens and everyone participated in raising tickets

members we’re challenging each others for most wins ,those were the days and amazing times … long time ago 

players  now like to reach for the top  more players are going for the medals

so the game shifted now clan( Candela ) for this reason  are broken and more fun in medal hunting so be it 

Am sure only thing  working in this game are medal 🎖️ 

All Candela members are still playing and got there medals and a few couldn’t stay on for different personal reason

OKI show me your medals honour…

Star Lord 


when you happen to stop I notice that player base is slowly moving 


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3 hours ago, MaveRick said:


That righty these were fun times  at Candela 

every week we  got the tokens and everyone participated in raising tickets

members we’re challenging each others for most wins ,those were the days and amazing times … long time ago 

players  now like to reach for the top  more players are going for the medals

so the game shifted now clan( Candela ) for this reason  are broken and more fun in medal hunting so be it 

Am sure only thing  working in this game are medal 🎖️ 

All Candela members are still playing and got there medals and a few couldn’t stay on for different personal reason

OKI show me your medals honour…

Star Lord 


when you happen to stop I notice that player base is slowly moving 


Well, in some way, I kept the clan alive because I compromised as best I could regardless my personal limitations as player. I really sacrificed trying the best for all of us not for personal selfish gains. I am solo player by default in this game and was my intentions to play like that always just a game for relax time with my niece together at my home having fun together till she left back to the East Coast where she is belonged.  She finished University this year and moving to her Master. You should remember her been the OKI owner in full for 4 months. 

Playing as clan member it does require to work together and selfish minds can't work in clans. Because I wasn't, many were stable, and the formula worked. Players like Kitty, Diablodder and so on real R1 top gunners that can get solo stars and been on top 3 clans for medals never were selfish on it not looking for medals but rewards like Hell, Mary, Ayron, yourself before losing the account then now, 18-016, Scorpion-the real one, SHABBA, Titania, Kratos-the real one, Papelonaitor, Chaos Saber, Swastika as stable players. Sure, I can mention many others that were there before but sadly were on and off including clan original members. 

As you know, SHABBA was asking me to join his clan since I was a beginner powerless, and I always rejected to join any clan been solo player and no looking for clan drama. After asking me for close to 1.5 years every time he saw my niece or me in the Spanish chat, I decided to help temporally. I remember when the clan was growing, then lose people then got back into stability then pushed hard for top 10 then fall and changed to then play for rewards and became stable for some time then have trouble again on and of having problem to stay stable with 24 then the clan got in trouble again and to I decided then to help him to give some stability and attraction to get more people been more in the clan. 

You and I mean Star Lord back then and the current players in the clan back then, I told SHABBA that my help with be jut for a few to get the clan stable then I will go back to solo, and I was accepted to play 36 wins and to keep at least an R4 to have positions and I asked to SHABBA to talk to the clan my conditions because I was unable to do more than that which was and still real till today. The clan accepted me as the only one with those terms and no others had those terms. Thinking about it, I was always the only one in that way but I did the best I could and tried to match the clan basis for the 5K and 2k weeks plus pushed for ranks even I was week plus joining WAR I was too week for current environment at war set ups against top clans having ton of power slicing my mechs but I became really good at war attack regardless my mechs were trash and incomplete back then.

You may remember this when I joined. 🤣


Modules were incomplete and by the way, I never finished them and started to work on new others because the game changed and started to release the new modules screwing me up after so heavy investment on farming and else to try to make those and then the buff to VEST screwing me double time and the Frantics and spartan and the heat huggers mess then snipers jumping all over. 🤬

Those members mentioned are very important because in the end, they were and some still the core and heart of the clan. Thx to their loyalty and desire to be a team and play together always, I have to thank them a ton. 

Sure I can mention Xinorman, Fenix, The King, Greenhell, Super Khalel, Maxi, GREGORY-Original member and many others back then and stable like Pink when I asked to accept him been weak and became a top player farming a lot and compromised like I has been week and still there, I think. Yes, there are many there and the current around I can say thx for stay together regardless the ups and down. Sad some retired or semi-retired. 

What days, I had the clan nemesis against me every day I played full loaded of WLgang, CANDELA INC and U.S.S.R.  between few others that were there all the time against me as solo players and hard to win and when I used to push up for R3 then RF, LLYL, HTK and RR were there to push me down. Very strange that I got into TF that often but yeah. 

Sure, other clans that were there at TOP that push up hard but CANDELA and WLgang and U.S.S.R. were in almost every fight against me. Annoying 🤣 

Then a nemesis came to the surface tired of abuses and said enough it is enough and became the favorite nemesis of all clans trying to kill SUPER OKI DOKI as before and things went wrong for them. They decided to keep pushing to much till hell broke lose.


They were like you know and I was polite telling them please don't push it is not nice and kept reminding them 




till they did too much 


Then thing went sour for them





After that few months of fun showing off skill not been a sassy player, then went back to my real purpose in the game 


to have my real fun. 😃

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1 hour ago, OKI DOKI said:

Well, in some way, I kept the clan alive because I compromised as best I could regardless my personal limitations as player. I really sacrificed trying the best for all of us not for personal selfish gains. I am solo player by default in this game and was my intentions to play like that always just a game for relax time with my niece together at my home having fun together till she left back to the East Coast where she is belonged.  She finished University this year and moving to her Master. You should remember her been the OKI owner in full for 4 months. 

Playing as clan member it does require to work together and selfish minds can't work in clans. Because I wasn't, many were stable, and the formula worked. Players like Kitty, Diablodder and so on real R1 top gunners that can get solo stars and been on top 3 clans for medals never were selfish on it not looking for medals but rewards like Hell, Mary, Ayron, yourself before losing the account then now, 18-016, Scorpion-the real one, SHABBA, Titania, Kratos-the real one, Papelonaitor, Chaos Saber, Swastika as stable players. Sure, I can mention many others that were there before but sadly were on and off including clan original members. 

As you know, SHABBA was asking me to join his clan since I was a beginner powerless, and I always rejected to join any clan been solo player and no looking for clan drama. After asking me for close to 1.5 years every time he saw my niece or me in the Spanish chat, I decided to help temporally. I remember when the clan was growing, then lose people then got back into stability then pushed hard for top 10 then fall and changed to then play for rewards and became stable for some time then have trouble again on and of having problem to stay stable with 24 then the clan got in trouble again and to I decided then to help him to give some stability and attraction to get more people been more in the clan. 

You and I mean Star Lord back then and the current players in the clan back then, I told SHABBA that my help with be jut for a few to get the clan stable then I will go back to solo, and I was accepted to play 36 wins and to keep at least an R4 to have positions and I asked to SHABBA to talk to the clan my conditions because I was unable to do more than that which was and still real till today. The clan accepted me as the only one with those terms and no others had those terms. Thinking about it, I was always the only one in that way but I did the best I could and tried to match the clan basis for the 5K and 2k weeks plus pushed for ranks even I was week plus joining WAR I was too week for current environment at war set ups against top clans having ton of power slicing my mechs but I became really good at war attack regardless my mechs were trash and incomplete back then.

You may remember this when I joined. 🤣


Modules were incomplete and by the way, I never finished them and started to work on new others because the game changed and started to release the new modules screwing me up after so heavy investment on farming and else to try to make those and then the buff to VEST screwing me double time and the Frantics and spartan and the heat huggers mess then snipers jumping all over. 🤬

Those members mentioned are very important because in the end, they were and some still the core and heart of the clan. Thx to their loyalty and desire to be a team and play together always, I have to thank them a ton. 

Sure I can mention Xinorman, Fenix, The King, Greenhell, Super Khalel, Maxi, GREGORY-Original member and many others back then and stable like Pink when I asked to accept him been weak and became a top player farming a lot and compromised like I has been week and still there, I think. Yes, there are many there and the current around I can say thx for stay together regardless the ups and down. Sad some retired or semi-retired. 

What days, I had the clan nemesis against me every day I played full loaded of WLgang, CANDELA INC and U.S.S.R.  between few others that were there all the time against me as solo players and hard to win and when I used to push up for R3 then RF, LLYL, HTK and RR were there to push me down. Very strange that I got into TF that often but yeah. 

Sure, other clans that were there at TOP that push up hard but CANDELA and WLgang and U.S.S.R. were in almost every fight against me. Annoying 🤣 

Then a nemesis came to the surface tired of abuses and said enough it is enough and became the favorite nemesis of all clans trying to kill SUPER OKI DOKI as before and things went wrong for them. They decided to keep pushing to much till hell broke lose.


They were like you know and I was polite telling them please don't push it is not nice and kept reminding them 




till they did too much 


Then thing went sour for them





After that few months of fun showing off skill not been a sassy player, then went back to my real purpose in the game 


to have my real fun. 😃

Wally thanks for sharing your memories to all of us those were wonderful memories and interesting details of events you related here .

your right when so say enough is enough 

Maybe  there to much Shabba blood in me 😂

some times when you don’t succeed    good to forget all of it 😅

keep on farming and Cheers 🍻 

Star ⭐️ Lord 

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13 minutes ago, MaveRick said:

Wally thanks for sharing your memories to all of us those were wonderful memories and interesting details of events you related here .

your right when so say enough is enough 

Maybe  there to much Shabba blood in me 😂

some times when you don’t succeed    good to forget all of it 😅

keep on farming and Cheers 🍻 

Star ⭐️ Lord 

I still want to join but right now I can't. There are some other changes at work absorbing my time. I can't play pvp as used time to time at work break time. Normally I am busy getting pages, calls, emergencies, checking all the time process status, send reports for meetings and others keeping me really busy and at home to keep working and getting calls at night because something broke and working in my days off etc. To be honest it is not easy. 

Trying to play simple 5 pvp I fall to sleep literally so I spend time with the kids in others stuff and my wife things. My kids stopped to play their accounts but actually they farm them not as before but keeping some progress and they barely play pvp in my accounts passing days or even a week missing Raid Day, no titan (I do titan every other week) and now not even farming so I am the only one now farming reason of the current progress, but it is less than before. 

They told me that will join some weeks ago but did not guessing because they are spending time with their cousins staying at home for their entire summer. Even they play time to time, they not even trying to rank up a bit to get rank box at least R5 so they mostly get R7 not even trying to win just goofing around with R7 mechs for data collection with some time-to-time modifications loosing often but also a bit tired to fight 3700, 3400 and else power mechs against their R7. 

I think they will join post summer at least for 5 wins or so and R5 by end of season. I am not sure what they want. I do not see them with desire as before to see their own accounts progress, so they do not care much about my own. 🤷‍♂️

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OK Oky your to busy !

Awesome juggling at work I  see you’re prioritizing ,at home all is good 

No more covid test 😅

I Got my hernia operation  👍 and now walking 

Gaming is fun when you have time  play and relax 

Am 3 weeks off so am planning on  playing even more then usual 

Wife  brings my coffee ☕️ every morning and here I go 3 hours of pure fun 

Loving wife thank you 🫶🏼

So yes let me know when your ready for greatest come back

in SM history 😂


Star ⭐️ Lord 

Edited by MaveRick (see edit history)
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  • 6 months later...
On 8/1/2023 at 7:18 PM, Ace Red Baron said:

OK Oky your to busy !

Awesome juggling at work I  see you’re prioritizing ,at home all is good 

No more covid test 😅

I Got my hernia operation  👍 and now walking 

Gaming is fun when you have time  play and relax 

Am 3 weeks off so am planning on  playing even more then usual 

Wife  brings my coffee ☕️ every morning and here I go 3 hours of pure fun 

Loving wife thank you 🫶🏼

So yes let me know when your ready for greatest come back

in SM history 😂


Star ⭐️ Lord 

Sad, I haven't returned to play pvp. 🫡 Yesterday I played 5 wins for fun been sick at home. 🤡 Sad to know the clan is disbanded. I saw Kitty in a different and Mary out of clans watching if my kids played in the replays. Ayron in different, chat01 in different and on. 😭 They need a leader. 😢 


Sorry for not joining back. My kids never decided to join clans and not even are playing their accounts. 

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