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Posts posted by voyager82

  1. I've started a new game, in where I want to break through to R15 from zero.

    Today is the first day, I'm played just 90 minutes.

    All tokens I will spend on Premium Packs.

    Till I got first 335 tokens I'm trying to not upgrade any items.  If I could play more - I'm sure that I'm easilly got 2 Premium packs. 

    So, after day 1, I have no good torso or interesting boots, but I have Supreme canon, two drones with backfire and a big blue viking's hammer )))

    I'm trying to not use a drone in battles till I got more hp, so I didn't boost it yet.
    Also I won first 5 arena games in a row. 

    Скриншот 17.05.23_21.11.14.jpg

    Скриншот 17.05.23_21.31.38.jpg

  2. 21 minutes ago, Flawed said:

    The problem is, if you're able to beat smurfs at the level the smurfs are smurfing at, you're either a smurf hunter or you're a smurf yourself.

    So problem is only ethical. If you stronger than smurfes, but don't want to go to 2v2 - it is a problem, yes?

    But there are couple moments, like pvp rewards. My mech so strong because I've collected battle coins and have +17% boost to the heat damage. If player understood this - R10 will looks much more interesting that R16.

    Also - you will be limited in divine items creations. 

    At least - speed of playing, at R16 it's slooow. Annoying.

    .....I remember when I'm leaving 1v1 to 2v2 world - and it was scary, my second mech was extremely bad and main mech was not the best too. With awfull matchmaking I fell myself like ragdoll. It's personal. World is angry, this game is angry too. If you want to win - you need spend a lot of time or donate. It's core pricnipe of all games with arena. 
    But I'm still thinking, that if you want - you can brake through less than a months. 

    We can create topic for some kind of speedrun challenge - who can reach R15 first from the very start, maybe a good idea, also for newbies. All players can be memebers of one clan, for common actions and to avoid battles with each other. 

    What do you say?

  3. 2 hours ago, shockwave333 said:

    no i am still new to this game only been playing for a few months I am still struggling to get above 17

    ya know its got bad when you have kids begging you to let them win

    You have not bad mech, but take more attention to your corrupt light - it's one of most effective weapon at this rank (max 96 heat dmg), and you definetely must drop reckless beam - first of all, its physical, second - not so good. Better find and use Desolation, it will help you when your energy was drained. Torso is good, beast rollers - wel, massive lava feet is more effective in attack, but rollers have more hp so don't drop it. Use physical protector in modules, Heat and Energy engines and combine storage units. And you will break through! 

    also, you have more chances when a lot of players in lobby

    13 hours ago, Scarlet Lorv said:

    A start


    Well, it's nice )

    Скриншот 17.05.23_02.20.10.jpg

  4. It's possible to break through smurfs if you have energy drainers or overheating weapons. With physical it's almost impossible. 

    Or - you must have HP more than 2000. 

    Only way is grinding missions, I prefer 12-6: its faster than nearby, and have good rate of money and exp.

    Second place - first boss, it's only three units and chane to get fortune box

    Also, develop your base. Factory level 8 will give you ultra-fast items for small upgrades, level 15 - power kits, level 20 - chance to get legendary items. All is possible.

    For upgrading to legendary item you can use Iron Plating from clan shop, it's almost ready. 

  5. I'm right now fight with pretty strong heat mech with nickname Karma. 

    He almost killed my anti-smurf, and after that leaves.


    Damn. My hunter had a mercy from hunter. Something goes wrong.... )))

    Looks like regular players at R20-R16 now totally disoriented ))

    I'm trying to not touch really weak players at all - if I shutdown them, they leaves before me. 

    So battle begings, I'm examine opponent, said GG and quit. 


    Hunter or smurf on a screen? Quits after my first shot. Does he afraid of loose or prefer to let me win as a regular player with R20? 

    Скриншот 16.05.23_17.33.57.jpg

  6. 9 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    smurf players are based on R3 and down. Players based on R3 can't go higher due to match maker and then drop to R5. On R5 the vicious cycle get tuff because R5 is matched with R7. A regular R7 hopping to push up to R6 and get the luck to at least touch R5 for box, it gets frustrated because not only do have to compete with R7 mechs that are powerful already on all aspects but R6 are literally top on R5 power. 

    Those R7 are really pushed down to R8 which will get match up with R10 players very often and that it is a big deal in the game. R10 it has been a bottle neck for players to get out of that hell. Sadly, they end up playing with lower ranks way lower on power forcing the condition as a cascade all the way to R25 because a natural R10 by default does have L50 in their arsenal as normal game progress. 

    Sure, you can see on R17 or less against L50 frantic or else and that it is ridiculous way abusive as happen to me back on my starting days. 

    When I started, I have same issue been matched with mech with weapons in full or mechs way too high for me or my niece. We decided to get focused not in the fights but instead on farming regardless low play on pvp and that was a win for us. We became strong in matter of months for free. 

    So, for players out there, this issue it is not new, and it is a free way to play as player feel not been lock out but sure in some ways unfair for some players trying to fight at proper rank and power. 

    Just focus on farming and 5 wins and don't frustrate yourself. Do TITAN, RAID, GRIND-CAMPAIGN and look for an active clan for WAR all at your current power level and basic rank. 

    I have been making test for long and the game still match making my mechs with way to high HP and power level. Work on your modules whatever have to improve. Hold back some power on weapons to minimize the effect against yourself when use them till can average power of weapons with modules. 

    If you will lose a fight and played the fight almost ready to get your butt spanked, stay till lose to collect a bit more gold unless you bailout at start of the fight. Don't lose gold quitting when the fight is almost done and will lose. That it is not sense dumping gold and the time during the fight. 

    I remember when I started to play this game, some players decided to create a hunting clan and were hunting a lot but also that distortion even more the floor. I had to fight them and get my butt kicked all the time. 

    If that happen, I will hunt the hunters during my tests if I start to play again. I will be mean. I sometimes have to change test mechs because they are pushed down even to R11 when are based as R7 losing one fight after another. 

    Sadly, when I do the switch, the game instead to give me the abusers, it gives to me weak players like the game want to punish the weak over and over again. 

    Don't distortion more the game. I do not like to play serious because bored me and just max and test parts. 

    Yes, I was made my first mech this way: a lot of farm, everyday playing. This mechs is about 3 years old.....

    I have some very rare items, like superb charge engine, but valiant sniper still one, for example, and bunker shell came just one month ago )))

    So all mechs like one-handed... But a lot of fun, sometimes I played really nice battles with right using of them

    My builds:







  7. 3 hours ago, Scarlet Lorv said:

    Hmmm, you gave me a good idea.

    I want to create a smurf killer clan.Now I will decide who will be honored to lead my current clan, then I will start gathering an army.

    Will you join my horde of assassins?:)


    Why not? )

    I have one almost good energy mech with good items - still not decide how to do best build, but suddenly I can up to 3-2 lvls, especially when 3 vs 3 weeks. Mainly at 5)

    And second - heat. Now I'm playing, but it's not so strong. Lose to smurf with -60hp, -100.... A lot of legendary modules awaiting for upgrdae. But It also killed a couple smurfs, so trend is ongoing. Need some time to develop. Just today started upgrade base to lvl 20.

    I think, best result of this work is that weak players pushed out to 15 level, and after some time smurfs are stands alone with us )


  8. 15 hours ago, vertexers said:

    that's Ukrainian

    And tryhards he talks about are spanish.... Do Ukrainians really believe that those who do not speak English should know their language? I tried to comunicate with them in English - it almost didn't work.

    Maybe, go down tomorrow to 16 lvl and start hunting to them. Those are has weak heat and energy, juicy targets. And helps to rise up weaker mechs😄

  9. I can give you some tips:
    1. Upgrade factories to level 20 - more chance to get some legendary items

    2. Try to play in different time. Most players played in same time day by day, so you can find your own best competitor

    3. Balance your build. From my own items I can build mech for 7-8 level, but almost same build can take me to the 3-d level (my best for now)

    4. It's hard to build good round mech, so try to do one with good heat, one with good energy regen and try to best match to opponent. 

    Show your mechs, maybe I have some ideas

  10. вот какие шансы были, что тебе тут ответят по-русски? ))))

    Смотри: в этой игре есть три типа мехов - условно энергия, огонь и физика. По цветам фона они, соответственно, синие, красные и желтые.

    Торс может быть любым (из всего, что тут я бы выбрал Naga), а вот все остальное должно совпадать по типу.

    Причем, если у физических запчастей все просто, то энергия и огонь еще и делятся на подтипы - те, что наносят соответствующий урон либо высасывают энергию / перегревают вражеского робота.

    Из того, что здесь есть, можно собрать неплохого меха, который будет заточен на перегрев.

    Итак, торс (из этого) я бы взял Naga, пока не появится нормальный "огненный", например Windingo или Molten Platinum West (тот, который здесь легендарный - не имеет защиты от урона, такие убиваются очень быстро и компанию с ними проходить будет тяжело)
    Ноги, которые здесь - тяжелые, и хоть и пойдут на первое время, но смысла в них нет. Надо ждать, пока появятся Massive Lava Feet, а они быстро появятся.

    Дрона имеет смысл взять того, что второй по счету наверху - он хоть и отнимает жизнь у самого себя, но урон у него отличный и нет ограничений по дальности, ну и вроде энергию не расходует

    Из оружия - оставь Corrupt Light (он шикарно перегревает, особенно если прокачать до максимума)
    Desolation (ракеты) - они мало того, что стреляют далеко, так еще и не расходуют энергию, то есть выручат не раз
    Крюк обязательно надо, он тоже не расходует энергию и может спасти в трудную минуту
    Broken Devourer - тоже отнимает у тебя жизнь, но отбрасывает противника назад и наносит серьезный ущерб, его имеет смысл ставить
    Vandal Rage - сложное в применении оружие из-за корявой дистанции, я бы не стал в начале игры в них вкладываться
    Молот - если место останется, то можно взять, причем ни один из этих не подходит. Я бы оставил тот, что по физике, потому что энерго урон огненному меху нафиг не нужен, а физический всегда актуален. Но если не хватит веса - то можно и энергетический на первое время, чисто чтоб врагов отбивать на расстояние, с которого можно будет жарить из Corrupt Light

    Модули - из этих ставь все, что можешь. Единственное, сначала лучше не energy protector, а второй, фиолетовый (два сразу не дадут потому что нельзя ставить две  защиты одного типа). Вообще, по отдельности от них проку больше, но именно урон от энергии это редкость, вот если попадется тот что от физики защищает - выкидывай фиолетовый и ставь его, физический урон очень популярен
    Насчет баланса энергия-огонь потом по ходу станет понятно, прокачивай по мере понимания.
    Вообще, если будешь делать меха для перегрева - нужно чтобы heat был минимум 650, и хотя бы 200 на охлаждение. Потом, когда пойдут combine storage unit - используй их, если сможешь, но те что есть Heat Engine и Energy Engine все равно по ходу прокачаешь до максимума, они очень эффективны.
    Iron Plating, кстати, можно недорого за жетоны клана покупать. Жетоны можно получить за уничтожение титана, например. Главная их фишка - они продаются прокачанные, их можно сразу заапгрейдить и потом использовать для улучшения других запчастей до легендарного уровня, чтобы не тратить полезные.
    А на меха их обычно парочку ставят, потом когда появятся легендарные модули того же веса и с хитпоинтами - заменишь.
    Энергию если добьешь до тех же 600 - можно на регенерацию не заморачиваться, чаще всего перегреешь врага раньше, чем он высосет эту энергию.

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