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Experienced Pilots
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Posts posted by TheHolyFish

  1. 2 hours ago, RON CANA said:

    we need to get you back.


    RON CANA, i have played for 5 years. i have reached many milestones, such as top ranks(rank 5). i think it is time for me to leave. i need to deal with myself. namely,  my video game addiction, my dealing with semi-depression, and my love life, which has been screwing with my heart in ways that.... just make me want to give up. i need to work on school. im sorry to say goodbye to everyone in this manner, but.... this is it. this is the end of the longest journey i have ever taken.

  2. 26 minutes ago, Corvus said:

    Do those perks always drop while those events are on cus I haven't gotten one yet, also whens the next one, or are there some besides holidays, idk I had stopped playing for some months. Now in back and still don't understand how to get them

    lmao, no there are special perks for each portal/event. cinco de mayo portal has those hats, easter is just egg boxes, christmas is hat and free prem box, saint pattys day is leprechaun hat.

  3. 32 minutes ago, Lifeblood Deep said:

    Ok, I see what you mean with your first point. I did misread it, but transferring it to gold would be more balanced.

    Offers should still be for everybody to benefit from. Skill difference is simply a difference in experience in the game. Your skill should not define what you can and cannot do.

    it is about skill, but also, the top ranking players get codes and stuff for legendary ascension relics, and only they an get those. its a really unfair advantage for those of us trying to reach the top ranks

  4. 1 minute ago, Lifeblood Deep said:

    4. This seems like a good idea, but will be much more beneficial if you can just transfer them to gold for yourself, because not every clanmate wants to give away arena tokens to a random clanmate that they have never met. 🚫

    if you read this part you would understand that it is for yourself, not for others

    1 minute ago, Lifeblood Deep said:

    8. What is classified as 'strong'? Is there a certain threshold? Limiting certain players from ways to get better is only going to drive them away from the game. 🚫


    high ranking players have offers for special items. only they get the offers, because some of them actualy spend money, and the devs are keeping them up there in the top ranks.

    4 minutes ago, Lifeblood Deep said:

    1. This will increase player AFKing sessions, and people will set it overnight, and abuse it. 🚫

    who cares. itd help with leveling

  5. 1: campaign queue. you can select the amount of campaign missions you want farmed, and thats how many it will farm

    2: slider for items in base. do you really want to click or press that little plus a hundred times?

    3: ads auto closing. for some people it happens(me included) but only half the time.

    4: arena coins transfer. my clan leader enerjonn has a maxed arena inventory, but he also has 33 thousand arena coins. im proposing some sort of transfer from arena coins to clan tokens.

    5:campaign reset. for those of us who have beaten the campaign, and our token income is limited, how about this: 1 million gold to reset 1v1, 1.5 million gold for 2v2, and 2 million gold to reset 3v3.

    6:clan raid. we have clan war, why not a clan raid? it would work like this: the different rank/level players are set up in the easy-hard raid fashion, and then the two clans compete to see how many players can beat that level for that day. it would also be a 6 day thing, only it would also work as a campaign mission, with sparse healing crates.

    7:ads. all players should be able to have access to ads, no matter the device.

    8:no more offers to the strong. they are strong enough. we want a chance too.

    9:fix the damn survey things. they don't work at all.

    10:fix divine drone color bug

    11: thank you for listening to my TED talk.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Lifeblood Deep said:

    Note to self: Avoid rank 10 - 7

    I absolutely hate energy mechs


    Malice beam, Hot flash, all of it. And my terrible RNG gives me no Energy Engines to deal with these problems

    Makes me >:((((((

    well, for me, i have this build:image.thumb.png.2ae87c2b3f9ed3262d6ce93588f6a8f9.pngits great against energy and boiler mechs. but the damage-based heat mechs that i have seen starting to show up in arena are a problem.

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