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Bring live your dreams 2.0

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Posts posted by Bring live your dreams 2.0

  1. My idea is, why not a practical multiplayer mode, after all, it would be fun to fight against the bots that appear while loading a game, what crazy ideas could come from a random creation of the game

    Because these also change when you rank up in the game, so it would be interesting to see what mech the game AI creates to fight against the mech you have created, which could serve as some training and to test some mech idea. What do you have to test if it is feasible to do it or not?


  2. 11 hours ago, ATP Gamer said:

    I know that many of you have already left a titan with -1000 shields, but hey, here I leave this image that no one asked me for xDTitn.png.ebdb5e286b2d735e070a40e693157d7e.png

    Wow, I never do that, possibly because I kill the titan before doing that

  3. 48 minutes ago, ATP Gamer said:

    imagine this, you enter the arena while eating bear meat, and they pair you with a double frantic, everything is fine until then, but even with your 160 shield this guy takes between 700 and 1100 life from you in all his attacks, so you questions you just saw, well that is the hack I am referring to.

    Wtf, the man has the old version of the frantics that makes 700 of damage in one shot + level 80 in upgrades

  4. Well, I bought until I ran out of tokens (not buying packs of 2000 for a while may have affected me) and at least I got normal premium resistance of the three types (physical, heat and energy).

  5. It's good to come back here, surprised to see that this game is still alive despite not being updated in a long time, and that makes me happy, well, was it to ask what you think of the stats of my mechs? In addition to any other advice if you can give me

    By the way, the recent update that I see only changes the day of the raid or is it something else that I need to know what it implements in the game, then I will change my profile photo

  6. 33 minutes ago, adnik2902 said:

    Легко ли быть наблюдателем, когда вокруг творится зло и нельзя вмешаться, навести порядок, защитить? Главный герой этого романа – дон Румата (землянин Антон), который попадает на планету Арканар с экспериментальным миром. На этой планете царит средневековая жестокость, фальшь и борьба за власть. Но Румата не должен вмешиваться. Он ученый, который проводит эксперимент. Однако человек в нем берет вверх над ученым, сердце побеждает рассудок. Разве можно спокойно наблюдать, как зло побеждает добро, как талант растаптывается, а справедливости не существует? Главному герою это не удается…
    Фантастическая история братьев Стругацких заставляет задуматься о многом. Зло заразительно, и сражаясь с чудовищами, важно самому не потерять человеческий облик. Роман читается на одном дыхании. Есть в нем и искрометный юмор, и приключенческий авантюризм, и элемент философской притчи. При этом простота изложения и увлекательный сюжет делают произведение Стругацких универсальным, популярным и многослойным. Каждое следующее прочтение позволяет открыть для себя что-то новое.
    Эта книга заставляет становиться лучше и человечнее, позволяет посмотреть со стороны на человеческие слабости. В ней скрыт удивительный и таинственный импульс, который побуждает к изменениям.
    Трудно быть Богом

    Bro, that's not how you spell 31343134.webp.c529c9c904f828c65139a1052afed783.webp


  7. I have dead again, like in the forum and the game itself, I still have my account but with no updates and the cursed ranking systems feels the same every time, I play sometimes to have a good memory

    How are you in this day? I gonna change my profile picture again like always

    Second thing, I think we have a bot between us, or I don't know what Regina is

    Edit: Wait a minute, what in the hell is are a lot of bots in this pages, I thinked supermechs have come to life again


  8. 3 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

    If I am not wrong, that old Legacy shields do not work in reloaded. At least I haven't seen in this game since I play. Sure, I have seen old repulsers and dual hook plus few other weapons torsos and legs.

    If it worked, with a EMP it's goodbye to your energy, it's drain yourself

    And the heat one, overheat yourself to hell

  9. 22 hours ago, ャ養老く殇_Ψ誑嘢ヽ狩獵者丿DêSтЯǚсΤì0пキ said:

    2k is always better

    These are only good for food, from all the boxes you open only one have a good legendary

    But always I need food so it's good for me

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