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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Yakir

  1. what rank should i be at im currently rank 10 to 9 ive been playing for like 8 months tips for what prems i can afford to incinerate what can i make in my build to be better basically any build tips also looking for a clan to join at least top 150
  2. wdym, are there still hackers in the game??? why dosent gato games or whoever runs the game stop them. what do they hack. ranks unlimited tokens items or what.
  3. wait so you can get 120 tokens a day or can you do the raid thing and lose multiple times and get even more it summs up to alot more then 1800 a month it summs up to 3600 but that seems too good to be true
  4. dang i can only play for like 1 hour because its in the middle of the day here and its sabboth so i cant use devices hope to be able to get it done
  5. What's the best item in the game and what's the rarest
  6. yep expeciall the matrix it made up for the lac of legendaries though i already have the premium shield that shields all 3 type but no hp so thats a bit annoying
  7. Can anyone give me tips for what I should be aiming to do with these mechs
  8. Grey relics are used to transform mythic items that started as commons Blue are used to transform mythic rares Purple are for mythical that start as epic And yellow for mythical that start as legendarys You can't transform a relic into another relic if it's blue it's always blue and so on
  9. tips for what I should be doing I also have heat vest torso I'm rank 10 Anyone?
  10. Yakir

    Secret weapon???

    Why not, you fused it? I'd imagine it would be a great weapon to have
  11. Yakir

    Secret weapon???

    Ahhhh that's explains it
  12. Screenrecorder-2023-01-25-14-30-34-606.mp4 He (heat guy) has a heat weapon that knocks you back 2 squares and needs no electricity(side weapon, you can just barely see it). I've never seen it before and in the super mechs workshop site the weapon isn't there
  13. I have a level 31 mech and for some reason I am not getting the special offer tokens for packs today. It only shows me an offer for money.
  14. Yakir

    XP bar

    Is there any way to bring it back Also why was it changed
  15. Yakir

    XP bar

    How can I make the XP bar display the exact number of co I have. I've seen it in some videos.
  16. Can I have tips on how to make my energy and phys mechs better I'm rank 12 to 10 level 140 and I have Max base in a week
  17. is it like a once per device because i got a few accounts and i can only claim it on my phone for one account and on my computer for one account
  18. How many days is the box available for
  19. Can I use base because I seem to have gotten some really bad luck getting some specific items
  20. i know im a bit late to the topic but in the middle picture whats the mech mean
  21. ive been farming xp for a bit of time on my account and i calculate the xp for the levels i grind so on od6 insane i get around 4.3 at level 149 but today is xp day so i get 6.4 then i reached level 150 and now od6 insane gives me 13.4 levels of xp why is that also another question about level 150 does anything special happen on that level and what are those mechs i see when i level up at level 145 or above (when i claim my level up reward it gives me another page to claim which is just a picture of a mech)
  22. do i post the in game name and ID of my current account or do i make up a random in game name and ID and post those
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