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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Yakir

  1. oh wait you mean every holiday theres gonna be an offer? i thought like every week also do they cost tokens or money
  2. so next portal will probably be cristmas if im not mistaken? what do you mean by top players? what level rank or clan rank? and do these offers not contain items anymore? how much do they cost? sorry about all the questions im just really curious
  3. oh the special offers for upgrading your whole mech overall? do they all cost money the offers you got or also tokens
  4. true your thinking about super mechs too much throught out the day
  5. do you know what rank can start to drop epics
  6. i mean i guess but i dont really know you next person has lived in 1 country for some of his life then moved to the opposite side of the world to live
  7. how much fuel was it per difficulty for the last one also any one know more or less how many portals there are every year
  8. what clan chest or arena rank would most chances give me the common accension relics does anyone know because im missing literally 1 relic
  9. whats the name of the site everyone uses to build mech builds
  10. is smokey bear the only add you get? oof. i get a few but mostly junes journey
  11. Yakir

    clan chests

    how do clan chests work ive been trying to understand but keep on discovering something new that decides what they give
  12. i think that one mission has a bug with the spawn because i also have that thing but only with that one mission well ive only been able to do half of 2v2 and all 1v1
  13. whats that legacy converter at the top right of your screen whats the legacy converter thing at the top right of your screen
  14. it happened when i bought 5 boxes when i had like only 16k but ive never seen this
  15. so i should go for electricity yeah? but hot flash will be my main weapon in the mean time and the heat head would be better no?
  16. im wondering if i go for mythic hot flash and commit to electricity type mech or heat type mech and store for later those good electricity weapons and if i should go for hot flash mythic what items do i use for food
  17. can anyone know how often special challenges apper is it like once a week or random or something else
  18. ive heard people say that premium account have shorter time for base crafting im wondering if anyone knows if thats true and if so does it also shorten the time taken to upgrader a building and gold production
  19. Yakir


    is there a way to stop adds
  20. i personally dont care much for axes but mainly for heat and electricity type hammers but i agree with using the claw as food
  21. so you guys are saying i was lucky to get my fortune box after 24 tries
  22. does anyone know why i havent gotten a fortune box from od big boy normal for 24 tries
  23. i also play on mobile but there is still adds
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