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--RV--Bladek's Achievements

  1. I already wait 22h to get my mech to join the tournament, i responded to your message that i want to parcitipate, would i get it?
  2. 5 push repulsor from legacy into inventories of all who parcitipate. 6 of them for winner, 4 for 2nd place, 2 for 3rd place and one for just parcitipation.
  3. i think it is a problem with golden boxes not 2vs2 campagine cus on one of my previous account it also happened on 1vs1. Now i need to get it fixed cus i invested money into account.
  4. nope, nothing. Once i had that with fortune box and had it in unclaimed but this time nothing.
  5. Hi I like this game, i spend money on it. I love that there are not cheaters left so i enjoy playing it. I need the golden box from that boss, pls give it back to me, cus it dissapeared after clicking on it. Didnt get anything, no gold , no power boosting modules, nothing. My ID: 58109244 Thank you in advance for fast resolving this problem.
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