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Dragon Tail

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Posts posted by Dragon Tail

  1. It was probably lost134234, it was probably the account that had the egg clan name

    (while i found out, i accidentally linked it to a new account so now i dont have a kinda op account)

    sooooooo is theres a way to recover a account that accidentally got linked by a new account? 
    like trying to disable sm thingy on accounts once on account and setting

    sm is super mechs (Reminder if u forgot)

  2. I've been trying to get my egg clan account back (which has very good items well kinda)

    but it kept saying that its the wrong username/e-mail

    Would someone help me get my old sm account back?

    (i even contacted the staff in the ingame with a new account)

    also what i mean by sm its super mechs

    oh yeah i havent played the game so long

    i even forgot my account username and password...

    when i used my e-mail for that account

    it instead sent me the lost134234 account

  3. 3 hours ago, bestplayeroftheworld said:

    WoW ... 

    I've also discovered a lot of accounts with shaddy inventory lately ❗
    I thought they added a cheat detector ❓

    Maybe @Alexander can please give us some words, if there will be anything done against (again) in the near future ❗❓

    This way ... fighting clean, fair and with honor (without cheating) in the Arena doesn't really make sense ❗



    Bro Ceo and Mods and Devs left this game u bilnd???

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