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Experienced Pilots
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Posts posted by Char

  1. save up your tokens. you get 10 each day so every week is 70. also in Sundays and Saturdays events happen to get 100 tokens from a limited achievement so 170 is a lot for each week. in two weeks you can get a premium pack witch usually give legendary or have bad luck like me and only give epics. about 5 cards in those chests. and raid exists too so that gives tokens too. its grindy but it works

    fortune boxes legendary are rare too not consistent but yes I've gotten legendary that way.

  2. I like the set with the magma blast. because I just got one in golden portal. hah

    I also got a nightfall for a physical mech soon. I was hoping for a windforge drone tho from the legendary' s 

  3. oh ok I see heat won the most votes. I do have 2 hot flashes but for physical and heat I have nothing

    no I'm not kidding I have nothing on the others except energy

    I do have some Ideas on heat though... here what do you think?

    Screenshot 2021-11-24 10.11.10 PM.png

  4. Hey I got some energy free Armour but I don' t know what to use it for. so give me what to make with it

    and for which category wins what weapons do I use for it?

  5. On 2/10/2021 at 8:36 AM, SawzAll said:

    BLUF: To make Viking Hammer more or less on equal footing to Flaming Hammer, I believe we should buff Viking Hammer only a little by making some of its stats equal to heat:

    • Reduce weight to 60  (-3)
    • Increase damage to 236-395  (+19)
    • Increase regen damage to 20  (+3)


    LONG STORY: Due to the way energy works, it suffers from a systemic disadvantage.  While one loses turns to cooling their mech, or can make a voluntary shut down, energy gets regenerated automatically at every turn without costing a turn.  As such, if for example the average META mech has about 295 in regen, the energy player must do this much energy damage or higher every turn.  This requires high-drain configurations like dual malice beam,  at least one valiant sniper, etc.  And energy drained foes can still stomp you, fire energy-free weapons, grapple, and charge.

    I believe therefore that bringing energy weapons to at least equal footing with heat will help level the playing field and make energy more viable.  I'm not requesting for stats that are higher than heat because I don't want to accidentally over-buff any items.  Truth be told, energy should have roughly 25% higher stats, but this request is for more or less equal stats.

    I do not want to nerf any items because that's both unpopular and harmful to the game.

    I'm suggesting only equal stats in the areas I mentioned to hopefully prevent an over-buff.  But feel free to disagree with me.

    Please reply to this thread.

    yeah they should buff energy. should add a status to it when you energy break someone like a palatalization that stays for a bit and could waste one of your turns you could have used on stomping or using a weapon. that would make energy more viable in higher ranks. and yes viking hammer should get buffed to be more equal to the flaming hammer

  6. hm. Im going to try to max the obsolete cannon for mythic food and then after maxing energy vest I max the ash creator. if only I could have gotten a evac spark from that recent legendary card I got instead of a naga

  7. i got another obsolete energy cannon. I have ash creator but it doesn't fix my range problem do I swap them when I max out the obsolete energy cannon?

    My rage problem is that I need to go range 4 to use my weapons at its max and the ash creator kinda helps with that but the energy cannon can take me to range 4.

    btw thank you for saying kits are gotten at base lvl 15. im at 12

  8. oh ok. my mech does a lot of energy capacity damage about 48.

    hol up I just got lightning platnum vest 😄 what is the best way to max it?

    I got a snack drone just now do I max it?

  9. I think they should add it but make the energy damage half of the actual emp and a 1 time activation drone to balance it it should weigh a lot like the 70 weight of an emp about 55 weight for drone. with balancing this can be a thing plz add

  10. yeah I agree I'm grinding for that low weight and high energy damage

    I want windforge but torment good to It will add more energy capacity damage I can already deal 48 energy capacity damage but windforge is better than torment.

    also one thing can you get fortune boxes from ramboy? 

  11. thanks for the advice I am grinding wind forge and rail gun no luck yet with the fortune boxes but can you get fortune boxes from ramboy? just saying because I do bigboy to grind my fortune boxes 

    No luck on drones 😞

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