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Everything posted by Mieszko581945

  1. Can someone tell me, on what engine is built Super Mechs?
  2. What is it? I'm banned? My account is broken? Only this account of my all, have this error from 2 days. Can someone help?
  3. What's wrong? I logged today into the super mechs 2 minutes after new event hour. But there was none. Like on screenshot from my device. After 1 hour the same. 3 hours? Same. And to now. Why? Only I have this bug?
  4. One of the rarest weapons in the game, finally is in my inventory
  5. From which place on the world, clan can win in clan war S+ chest? 10? 15?
  6. I use all time zarkares. Windigo is the mix of the torso for psychical and Heath opponets, but... in my opinion, this is not good torso, in fact, he is useless for even everything. Raids? Very bad idea. You never win full raid on good place with windigo. Arena? Only to 10 rank, because psych. res with max Platinum fortress, is only 144 res. And other res? Only 20 explosive. And łów HP. I win with every player with windigo. From 3 months, I don't loose any battle with windigo player. Maybe 20 kg less, 30 HP more, but... zarkares have more Heath, the most explosive res, from all torsos and is more frequent than windigo. It is not for everyehere, surely dont use it on arena. Similaty as windigo, if you dont got Heath opponet, you most probaly loose. This torso is for raids, titan and first month on arena. And nightmare... hmmm nobody use this. This is so weak torso. Only for sometimes in raid, for many modules. SO: Windigo - weak, but od you dont have better - arena Zarkares - Raid, titan and low rank Nightmare - a few high raid types
  7. Seriously? He makes every event?
  8. As you see, on my account, maybe in others the same, there isn't any event today (in right - up corner of screenshot). Now is 10 minutes after change of daily events, but... at me is no any event. This is bug, only at me or error of servers?
  9. What do you think about add scoreboard of wins to workshop unlimited?
  10. Please say me: why admins deleted over half of events??? Before: gold and xp on campaning, gold and xp on arena, fuel regeneration, tickets, arena coins, offers for tokens/normal cash portals, quests, mech offers and a few more. Now: campaning gold and xp, arena xp and coins, fuel regeneration, very rare offers and nothing more Why??? Super mechs was before much better, but now... its start being boring Please stop deleting events
  11. if there ever will be one at all
  12. This question is for administration: Anyone know if super mechs will be updated in future? Version 7610 is maybe since 2019 year... any game updates from I guess over 2 years... Are this will change in future? I know, this game have all to Perfect working but... I think can add here a few nice things. I dont know what but always anything
  13. Are anybody know why something when I uninstall super mechs on phone (android) and install again, after enter the game, I got a free golf box with 75 000 gold? This bug is nice, but weird...
  14. Is there anyone who knows when there are normal portals (apart from those for various events, e.g. halloween)? Or has a portal calendar been created? Because I never know when the next one will come out.
  15. Alex I and a lot of peoples didnt get anything. What happend???This is unavailable on Android?(I play on phone). Please write anything
  16. at the beginning, it is better not only after a few months to open the base
  17. Mieszko581945


    I have speed question. When will be a next 4000 k tokens offer with 20 premium packs and other items?
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