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Experienced Pilots
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Posts posted by heller

  1. 14 minutes ago, Deimos said:

    I don't see how that would help the newbies making it 3mil lmao, you can farm 4 mil within a couple of days without buying refills and still have enough to upgrade and progress.

    L-M and E-M items arenot the same price i mentioned above that the price would start from 1.5M gold which is E-M item which if you guessed is not very viable at top ranks

  2. 9 minutes ago, Deimos said:

    What? Energy weapons are the heaviest in the game with a few exceptions. That's the main problem why it's so hard to make a decent energy build while also having enough HP for it to be viable. Upping the weight to 1020 could alleviate that issue a bit.

    oh right turned out i was using the light parts

    so i tried swapping every part of the hugger mech with every energy part and what i noticed is

    heat have better stats IN EVERY THING in wieght.damage.heat increase are alawys higher than energy drain

    the only solution is to buff energy weapons

    EDIT:the only thing i found that energy was better was the energy cap and thats it

  3. 7 minutes ago, KingOblivion said:

    Honestly don't think it's too bad, yeah there's some cool features they could add like item element or something, but prices are pretty fair, as it allows you to get premium boxes without using tokens. Yeah the 2 day timer is a pain but honestly not my place to complain. If anything add more options to factory.

    yeah but for newbies its hard to cover all of that EDIT:also WTH i just opened another card and  got another epic the drop rates are bad man


    7 minutes ago, KingOblivion said:

    And honestly if they do make a item shop, it should be for requiring items you've gotten and deleted. 500k for a level 1 E-M, 1 mil for a level 1 L-M.

    yeah i thought about these prices but some players have a HUGE amount of gold that they will be able to get all the items they need and build meta mechs in no time

    3 minutes ago, Deimos said:

    I'd be down for guaranteed legendary for 1mil coins and wait time of 7 days

    yeah the price are cheap for top players thats why i thing 3M is good (you dont rush and it keeps the game fair)

  4. On 2/11/2021 at 10:38 PM, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

    I agree with you. A balanced Energy build needs too many modules and there is no slot for HP plates, which is why the Energy balanced has become cannon fodder

    if the problem with slots why not make a heavy strong regeneration module (same weight as 2 and with the same power of 2)

    from what i know energy items are the lightest items in the game and with that module above you can have one extra slot for hp while hugger mechs doenot need this module since it wont change anything (they will keep using the same weapons)

    1. prices:now in the begging the upgrade seems cheap but with each upgrade the price become so expensive that you wont have any gold left which make the base viablae only to old player or spenders and it becomes pain to newbies cause you wont be able to get all that gold without grinding (which is hard without prograssing) and the price of crafting is not worth the time to be honest (which also make hard to craft for newbies)
    2. drop rates:now this might not be a big problem for pro players since they have so much gold so they always can craft more  but to new players this is a problem i noticed that win openeing 20 items box chance of rare items are 5 out of ten which is lower than silver boxes (i also tried the epic-legendary crafting and i didnot get any thing L out of 8 😕 )

    my suggestion is bringing back the old shop (from 2013 i guess) which allow you to buy spicific item and then infuse it with base wich will allow you to craft the exact item you want and for balance if the item epic 10-16 hours with price of 250k-300k depending on the item type and legendary 1.5M-2.5M-4M (cause you will be able to craft the items that are missing you builds) with the time of 1 week-2 weeks also depending on the item type (and the reason L are expensive is some players are setting on gold literally and every one can be rank one if the prices are cheap like 1M in the additio of gold mines)

  5. On 11/27/2021 at 5:14 PM, Zutchse said:

    EDIT: also, may I see your base? send a screenshot here


    On 11/28/2021 at 9:19 AM, iSwarky said:

    why does it feel like this guy is using some sort of coin generator

    then what the duck do you call a gold mine


    On 11/28/2021 at 1:06 AM, AftoKrator said:

    they upgrade and transform the same way other items do. ...... wait, don't tell me you've played the game long enough to max your base, but never upgraded powerkits before

    i meant what is the best way cause to max a rare kit you need 3 common maxed kit and 1 common level 5 kit

  6. 15 hours ago, AftoKrator said:

    much less wait , but for 6k gold (i think) chance of rare and super quick (i think thats the name, "super quick")

    will i think since i will open the game weekly i will choose super cheap chance of rare

    also how to i upgrade power kits ?

  7. dude i just sayed that i have maxed base

    6 hours ago, AftoKrator said:

    first slot : the 1k or less gold common items only. (the one that costs 965 for you)

    i was thinking about it too beacuse its not slow or expensive but i have maxed base so yeah all what you mentioned are viable i just want the best and the fastest (not too expinsive and not too slow)

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