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Everything posted by noㅤ

  1. noㅤ

    Epic weapon farm

    I farm the last mission on 1v1 and get fortune boxes with epics quite often.
  2. Solo'd my biggest titan yet doing 162K damage.
  3. I don't know what inspired you but I'm glad it happened.
  4. Hahaha yep. Doing my part to keep this thread clean but your astute observation warrents a reward! Enjoy this sleepy forrest cat. Now back to lurking. Good luck, everyone!
  5. Dragon, now you wait. Marija said he will post out match up later. Once he does, message your opponent to agree on a time to battle.
  6. Your original design had 2 hammers which only works against titans. It also had no way to attack at 2 range, and a lack of cooling and resistance. Owlton modified your design to fix these issues while keeping your same vibe but my only suggestion is removing the teleporter to raise your hp. Not having a teleporter is ok in this build because being pushed into a wall is not dangerous with that hammer and missle combo. Also, your mech easily overheats so only snipers with amazing cooling will be able to use two turns to 1. push you into sniping range and 2. shoot.
  7. Yep. Overheating is the best way to solo titans. I made a post about it here with a video if you want to see.
  8. I just join clans with high members and wins randomly and it tends to work out.
  9. Energy titans need 1 cooling booster. Replace the other heat modules and res with their energy counterpart. If its a physical titan, remove the top weapons and use a single teleporter to save enough weight for all armor plates, 1 res, and 1 cooling booster. Goes without saying that this build only works on titans you can hook. Have fuuunn!!!! PS: Posted in the wrong location. Sorry there are no funnies petal_20230813_025805.mp4
  10. Report him via this form: You find their ID on their profile. Include all the screenshots
  11. If he can play on the same account but you cant, some cache corruption is left over in your phone's supermechs folder after uninstalling it. Unfortunately games don't uninstall their junk completely so you'll need to get a phone cleaning app that deletes obsolete APKs, app ache, temp files, and junk folders as well before you reinstall it.
  12. Yep. The secret is modules and special weapons. I have the legendary version of charge and grappling hook so they are also used weapons rather that just for movement. True true. I've always struggled with huggers. Please send a replay code so I can see how you deal with them and learn a better strategy! Haha yea. I was surprised too!
  13. You unlocked the John Cena perk!
  14. I wanted to use Windigo instead of the vests. Went from rank 4 up to 3 & 1 star before a heat hugger destroyed it haha.
  15. After registration closes, Marija has usually asks everyone if they can still participate, then makes match ups based on the replies, so my guess is at least a day from now.
  16. It was meant to be temporary: start a one man clan to solo titans, then rejoin a regular clan... But months later I'm still solo. Why? Because you get faster match-ups and fight more people. Arena is my favorite part of the game and I see posts about the lack of players online, but have you considered that you don't fight clan members? If 350 people are online, they wont all be your same level, and many at your level will be in your clan. In other words, if 30 of those 250 happen to be good match-ups, those few you're losing to your clan start to make a difference, and it gets more noticeable the higher you rank up. I miss clan loot boxes but for me, its not worth the reduction in arena speed and veriaty—at least not for a while longer. Just sharing this in case some of you are sick of fighting the same person over and over. 7000 lets gooooooo! Pro tip: If you hate fighting someone, join their clan, lolz.
  17. Keep them! You can get power kits almost immediately once you upgrade your base but its impossible to get legacy items now. Its the ultimate flex.
  18. Yes. Enable the base. It seems useless at first but once its upgraded you'll wonder how you lived without it.
  19. Can confirm. Down and out.
  20. I've used 3 top weapon energy EMP bombs as food. I'll never use them on a build but didn't know how rare they were. It seems cool just to have them. I also used a physical lazy falcon as food (WHY!!>?!!?!?!?!) and countless axes. I use to get axes almost daily when I started 3 years ago but its been 2 years since I last go an axe so I regret using each one of those axes as food too. AND MY BIGGEST REGRET, spamming buttons and accidentally buying premium for a month... twice.
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