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Everything posted by Spam

  1. Same and I have 6 accts
  2. Same, except when I get my likes back after waiting, then I like everything in the thread until my like run out.
  3. Too bad claw and night eagle are both part of old metas and aren't as good now.
  4. I will to, if my like don't disappear in tomorrow morning like they did today. Same, some days I forget that I even have likes
  5. From an ad, sadly it was only a visual glitch
  6. Same. I wonder how else people say thanks, it's very awkward replying thanks (I've done it many times).
  7. I can this to the list of things this forum is missing a needs.
  8. Very sad. Was there a bigger like limit on the old forum? If this was the old forum I would have the "achievement" for giving a 100 likes by now.
  9. Thank you, my dm's(direct messages) are open.
  10. how to reply without the reply's getting merged. No, it's not a bad thing. Its a good thing
  11. The problem is probably with your computer.
  12. That's flashing lights not lights that aren't moving color(at least I think) Imma confetti paint everything.
  13. how did you post multiple comments without them being merged?
  14. Red, also makes it look like the legacy version. also red looks better than yellow... .
  15. which one looks better?
  16. I thought it needed color to, I just didn't think it would look good.
  17. Spam

    Counting to 10000

    150, that's pretty nifty.
  18. Spam

    Counting to 10000

    147, I'm mad because you broke the rhyming
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