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    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in Frequent Youtubers Listing Retirement Topic   
    you are welcome my friend. 👍 Fun videos 
  2. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in Frequent Youtubers Listing Retirement Topic   
    nice fights and HP. I tested only in Legend L1 long ago for data. I made few recently for future test with it. Just data for fun if my kids play. 
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    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in Frequent Youtubers Listing Retirement Topic   
    nice, dual. I still have some to develop. will take long to get them. 
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    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in Frequent Youtubers Listing Retirement Topic   
    nice loot. 
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    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to OKI DOKI in Frequent Youtubers Listing Retirement Topic   
    cool fights. 
  9. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to Stevelord in Frequent Youtubers Listing Retirement Topic   
    I think this video you will like OKIDOKI 😁
  10. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld got a reaction from GORGONA in 5.... years... later....   
    Great game progress... after around +20 years (no exaggeration) you will have all the meta items you need for 9 mechs ❗
    But what makes me really happy:
    There are also honest players who can play a game without cheating/using shortcuts/abusing bugs ❗
    Congratulation about your character ... I thought there are no players left like you are ❗
  11. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to ITRIEDXD in Base needs a rework   
    This topic reminds me of a few topics of the same variety within the past 2-3 years
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    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to heller in Base needs a rework   
    After testing every crafting type i came to conclusion that only 3 of those 20 are usable and they are
    Level 1 common items Level 1 15 power kits Level 20 epic/legendary If you need more detailed explantion i wrote it down
    Everything else is useless and here is the explantion
    1. Crafting common only (costs 1k per item)
    Its cheap and its fast and better for maxing power kits as you need 19 common items to max 1 power kit
    2.Crafting rare items is expensive and common/rare that takes 90 minutes is overpriced here is why:
    1 rare item=4 common items this important for calculation 1 common item costs 1k and takes 15 minutes 1 common/rare costs 2k and takes 90 minutes Lets say i crafted 15 items from common only and 15 from common/rare (say you crafted 100 items you get 15 items every time you collect them from the factory)
    The first one costs 15k while the second one costs 30k
    Now lets say you got 2 rare items replace them with 8 common items (4 items per one) you got what is worth of 21 items for 30k and you could have crafted them for 21k with common only
    Now lets say you got 5 rare items instead of 2 (which is the best outcome) you got what is worth 30 common items for 30k but it took 23 hours vs 30 normal common items that would take 4 hours
    And no player is crafting 15 items most of us would craft 100 per factory and the drop chances are bad sometimes you get no rare (30k vs 15k in less time) and rarely get five rares per 15 items
    So in order for common/rare to be better you need to get 6 rare items for every 15 items which never happens
    So you end up wasting money and time
           2. crafting epics
    Only do it if you are looking for an epic item you need (choose its  type) other than that its useless
           3. crafting power kits(costs 6k)
    Use it for more faster upgrade with other items or if you dont have enough space just use kits to max kits since they dont take any space in your inventory
           4.crafting epic/legendary (costs 400k per item)
    Not really worth it considering the time and omey it takes to max the factory and craft it in the first place but if you want to use it Dont and i repeat DONT USE THIS FOR MYTH FOOD as you can get 1 legendary items in half price and less time (200k if you craft common items and kits) not to mention the low chance of getting legendary . ONLY USE THIS IF YOU WANT PREMIUM ITEMS
    it appears that having 3 level 1 factory and 1 level 15 is the best way to go as i explained everything else is overpriced
  13. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to ITRIEDXD in 5.... years... later....   
    Free to play all the way through, progress is speeding up though, and i'm liking it... was the grind worth it after so many years? No. For nostalgia, hell yeah
  14. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to ITRIEDXD in This is unacceptable   
    Well, thats reality, when it comes to that kind of shit, the bad guy never gets punished
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    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to heller in This is unacceptable   
    Damn thats just sad
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    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to ITRIEDXD in This is unacceptable   
    I COULD do something.... called hacking and deleting their accounts and permanently proxy-failing them by IP from using the website.... but of course i'd run the extreme likely risk of getting sued or charged (legally).... so all we can do is keep complaining
  17. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to heller in This is unacceptable   
    So let me get this straight
    There are tons of videos on youtube showing how to hack the game currency that has been going for a while and players forcing others to lose the match and you are telling me no one can do anything ?
    Really doubt it you cant simply buy tokens then items and then max at least 7 mythical items and be at low level and be at low rank (and even if he is a smurf it doesnot make it any better)
  18. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to ITRIEDXD in This is unacceptable   
    They could just buy their $hit.... just for the bit, because some people literally have nothing else to do
  19. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to heller in This is unacceptable   
    Really doubt with that low level that charisk would have 2 meta builds maxed with low level where would he even get the gold required since you at least need 1 million gold to max 1 mythical premium so he at least needs 20 million gold and one doesnot simply spend 100 dollars just for the gold
  20. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to ITRIEDXD in Again again   
    Just don't click that link, silent malware.... I already tested that... I hacked it to where most people get DNS failure when they click on the link, for those who are... less wise
  21. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to ITRIEDXD in 5.... years... later....   
    Finally got a second charge engine after 5 years 😄
    have a nice day
  22. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to JUGGERNAUT in This is unacceptable   
    What u want them to do?
    Ban them?
    Even if their cheater/hacker .
    No one wood be able to do anything anyway 
  23. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to NeoPrism in This is unacceptable   
    wouldn't be wrong to assume it's a smurf clan
  24. Like
    bestplayeroftheworld reacted to heller in This is unacceptable   
    *clan name checks out*
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