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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Stevelord

  1. Yes why did the developers stop making new weapons or items its been months now and we still dont have new items
  2. Enjoy the video I had some technical glitches on YouTube and my video was deleted and i needed to upload it again
  3. My luckiest box opening in a long time Enjoy the video https://youtu.be/pk6TDf_9NC0
  4. Enjoy the video https://youtu.be/vXG915H4zRc
  5. Man i just want a new green type of weapons and drone,s in the older version we had a healing drone, why not bring it back we have backfire weapons amd drones? Plus if they bring back they will make it heal 50hp which is not that opii if you have 3k or 4khp
  6. We have so much backfire weapon's and drones, so is it a good idea to have new weapons and drones that give you hp but low damage and these weapons and drones be green new type
  7. Yes but its still beter than 5k gold from missions.
  8. Another problem the daily reward missions when you finished them are also useless because you only get 5k 3k 1k gold which is useless for upgrading mythical max legend max divine and mostly base everything cost more than 100k gold 500k 1 mil and when you finished the missions you get 10tokens also very weak for none pay to win player's like me so it would be helpful if Alexander change the rewards from 5k gold each mission to 50k gold or 100k or 20k gold to be more helpful for none pay to win players and the token mission also be changed from 10 to 30 tokens
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