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  1. Like
    gRedsz reacted to Stormrider in Average ahh rank 10 players   
    Is it only me or that now pros all love to do smurfing
    I believe this opponent mech can go to rank 8 and above instead of at this rank weirdly

  2. Like
    gRedsz reacted to WhySoS1r1os in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    That's some great luck 🤞 
  3. Like
    gRedsz reacted to bumbum in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Wasn't expecting to get something good from the previous offer but...

  4. Like
    gRedsz reacted to JamAnime in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    DAY 57
    - Farmed
    - Did daily missions
    - Upped another Base Mine.
    - First time ever, not upping a level.  Still at 159. Just didn't Farm OD6 all day. Was advancing in 2v2 campaign.
    Hope tomorrow is the ultimate 3k deal. Can make a video, and post it here.
    DAY 58
    Today was a good day. Not the best. Still good. Here is the basic of today.
    - Daily Missions
    - Farming
    - Went up 2 lvls, now at 161
    - Base mines will be all at lvl 16, then HQ tomorrow
    - Completed "Deal 100k total damage to titans" This gave me 500 shop tokens. This gave me the chance to buy a premium pack
    So, finishing that titan 100k mission, I got my chance to get my 1ct premium pack.

    Here we go....

    bandicam 2024-06-13 21-55-17-500.mp4   Didn't get any legendary. 😞 Though got the frantic. Was waiting for another, to complete the basic physical built. As soon as I got it, here is what I did.

    bandicam 2024-06-13 21-57-04-653.mp4   Will mythical it tomorrow, maybe. Maybe, make a video of that also. So, pretty good day. That's it for today...
  5. Like
    gRedsz reacted to JamAnime in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    DAY 56
    Make this fast.
    - Did the daily
    - Upped another mind
    - Farmed
    - Upped to lvl 159
    - Taking it slow
  6. Like
    gRedsz reacted to MoeDaScout in Enough is enough   
    ⁹We need from an admin to ban those mfs
    Everyone is mad even the beginners
    Who agree please everyone we need to save supermechs 
    #savesupermechs #fixsupermechs reference from tf2, fixtf2 trend
    I couldn't contain myself
    my question is who's with me?

  7. Like
    gRedsz reacted to TRG Kai in Enough is enough   
    Admins won't ban for that, but yeah, it is VERY annoying especially for beginners and lower tier players...

    I recommend using a lower tier torso/legs however. Noticed that the arena matches your HP with others, for example you have 600 HP it usually ranks you against people with 600 - 1000 HP. That's how I went from going from rank 15 to rank 17 to winning like 6 games in a row.

    I agree with this though. High damage guns like the Frantic Brute, Recoiler or others should get some sort of debuff. Like only usable 1 time or some sort of Backfire or just make the damage way less as a whole.

    Or at least make match-making more balanced. Like, how the hell do I win a game with a heat mech against some guy with 500 heat and energy with two Frantic Brutes that do 500 - 600 HP damage each??? Ruins the game, it sucks ass and the devs don't do anything about it nor do the sweats who do it care. They just care about getting tokens...
  8. Like
    gRedsz got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Another sleepless night . _.   
    its nice to sleep when raining
  9. Like
    gRedsz got a reaction from OKI DOKI in New deal   
    If you are a new player the gold and arena points will help u. The offer with a premium module still better tho.
  10. Like
    gRedsz got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Since the end of the physical weapons improvement competition   
    Not even now?
  11. Like
    gRedsz reacted to WhySoS1r1os in Easiest way for the Special Quest Destroy 75 structures   
    Thanks for the help, I finished the special quest 😁 
  12. Like
    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in Easiest way for the Special Quest Destroy 75 structures   
    There are different spots around. I use OD7 insane because I can kill 7 enemies in one shot and keep gold around the same. Now, you can go to lower places and use normal etc to get more shots and use less fuel if your fuel is low and do not farm a lot during the day 

    This is enemies, not structures. The structure of 75 it is a different quest for 100 tokens. Today quest, you need to search for mechs to destroy I use that one if I want to finish fast but normally, I stay in OD6. The reason I stay in OD6 99.9% of the time, it is because I farm all the time and I have not need to change it because with less of 2 full fuel day consumption, I will be complete the quest.
  13. Like
    gRedsz reacted to supermechupdateyourgamepls in what do i need to improve my mechs part 2(2 months later)   
    its been quite a while and nothing seems to crazy to talk about
    i got a lot of epic from clan premium pack and not a single legendary
    windigo is a really really great torso
    i have another plan for my nightmare 
    going to maxing out every modules i have right now 
  14. Like
    gRedsz reacted to Stromtrooper in Whats the best thing in every catagory, from epic to divine   
    You are right nightmare helps me equip more weapons but doesn't have much HP but flame battery has more hp, I'll try to do what I think is best for my mech I was asking for tips becuase I started 1 week ago and I didn't know what was good and what was bad so I just used whatever was the highest rarity
  15. Like
    gRedsz reacted to JamAnime in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    DAY 55
    Today was a good day. Special mission, of 150 tokens. I did it within an hour or less. So, after that I did the daily missions.  Got to lvl 158. Just going up one lvl at a time.  Once hit 150, going is taking a looonng time. Got to 4k tokens.... How it is a mystery.

    Want to know how to get extra daily tokens:
  16. Like
    gRedsz got a reaction from Darkoo in The worst legendary leg   
    depends on the build
  17. Like
    gRedsz got a reaction from Ace Red Baron in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
  18. Like
    gRedsz got a reaction from Darkoo in The Base Anime Arc comes to an end! God hates me!   
    Time to farm od6
  19. Like
    gRedsz reacted to sierra in The Base Anime Arc comes to an end! God hates me!   
    they will probably give him compensation for everything lost but its very unlikely they'll remove base
  20. Like
    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in The Base Anime Arc comes to an end! God hates me!   
    they can remove BASE without issue or fix the bug. Normally will be to delete base and reactivate if want. 
  21. Like
    gRedsz reacted to zeldr1s in Tokens   
    Will do, thanks for helping me.
  22. Like
    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    wow, that it is really nice mech there. Getting scary. WOW, 13millions and all free. You have better account than other players around for 5 years in the making. 🤣 Look those gold mines. 
  23. Like
    gRedsz reacted to JamAnime in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    Day 54
    Thought I change it up. Here we are as of now, with this account.

    Like always, I let you know what I do, farming, daily missions.. And I watch the daily number of ads, to get that many tokens.,
  24. Like
    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    ready to kill them. 👍
  25. Like
    gRedsz reacted to MosaicMayor in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    I'm gonna make my own now!
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