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Posts posted by 2008ToyotaCorolla

  1. 59 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    in my time it was 4 digits very constant then the old players started to talk bad of the game dreaming of the old days and the ridiculous buff to the Frantic and the energy mechs displacement to far from the other two plus the tokens, shields and game bugs because lack of support to the servers back on TS. WOW, 5 digits will be cool to see that in this game and match maker will work properly. 

    If the players stop to talk bad of the game and the administration takes action to do some simple things to add numbers and be a bit more logic with some more common sense of reality, this game have the necessary punch to attract people. 

    Kinda sad to be exited now at 500 people when there where up to 10,000 people on at the peak.

  2. 4 hours ago, Eevee said:

    so are we allowed to play campaign for extra items or can we only use the items we start out with?

    Does not say we are not aloud to!

    16 hours ago, Marija said:

    Hi pilots!

    🐐 Welcome to our new GOAT tournament! 🐐

    Please carefully read this post as it contains important information you will need to know if you wish to participate. 

    As in previous tournaments, you will all receive a brand new account which you will use for the tournament, it has boxes and stuff added already, and it will be banned after the competition is over. Please do not attempt to trade, sell, or share your password - as all of those lead to automatic disqualification. Going to the arena (real battles) is not allowed! Therefore upgrading arena shop is also not allowed. 

    How to apply: 

    You can apply to participate in the tournament by clicking on this link: https://community.supermechs.com/knowledgebase/goat-mech-submission/  which will take you to the usual form we use. 

    Please put your FORUM NAME into the title and ID number in the text. Make ONLY ONE application and use it for the duration of your participation. 

    You will receive your account details in that form, as well as post mech pictures when the time comes. 


    You can participate only once. One person - one application. 

    The rules:

    • Build a mech using level 1 epic, rare or common items. Rare and common items can be upgraded, epic ones not. 
    • Do not use legendary or mythical items on your build. 
    • Other items that are not allowed in the competition are: EMP, Heat Bomb, Tonto, Electrolyte, Firefly, Frantic Brute, Frantic Flame, Frantic Lightning 
    • Once the applying time is up, you can no longer change your build and you must use it in battles without any changes made. 
    • Fight the assigned opponent to get to the next round until there is a single winner left.
    • There is a time period you have to fight your opponent; it starts after the pairs have been published and lasts 48h. It's up to you when you decide to fight.
    • After the fight, please post who won and the replay code so we can make sure everything is okay. 
    • Any sort of cheating or attempts to cheat will lead to automatic disqualification. 


    As usual, the tournament winner gets the goat torso perk. Adding to that, we will also distribute token rewards for the first 4 places: 

    1st place – 2000 tokens + goat perk 

    2nd place – 1500 tokens 

    3rd place – 1000 tokens 

    4th place – 500 tokens 

    Follow this topic to stay updated on the tournament deadlines and newest information. 

    If you have any questions that are not answered in the post already, I'm here. 

    I wish everyone best of luck! 

    When will be getting the account?

  3. 20 hours ago, Riot said:

    i swear they are just the same person though, same style of typing, same profiles. 


    Very true. When I first saw them I thought they changed there pfp but then I saw both in the same chat... Probably just alt account lol. It is funny to just read this chat 🙂

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