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Posts posted by Flawed

  1. You probably want to replace your blue resistance drainer (the one with the two barrels or whatever they're called) with your Malice Beam, because when you're energy draining your opponent, if you do excess Energy damage, it carry through as extra normal damage.

    Also, replace Shockwave with your Torment (both drones), because Shockwave will most likely cause a lot of problems (such as wasting a move getting to the right weapon ranges). Torment does damage to the max of their energy, making it better.

    You need better regeneration + cooling and less HP-related stuff. Your mech is very vulnerable to boiler mechs (mechs that try to overheat and shut down you, I'm one of these mechs 🙂) and energy mechs, like yours, since you've got such a low regeneration + cooling. Try replacing most of your modules with Energy/Heat Engines (the one that provides storage and regeneration/cooling) and Cooling/Regeneration Modules. Also, the best resistance module to have is probably either the one with all the resistances in it, or the physical one.

    Finally, get rid of the Cockpit Piercer and replace it with something better. It's a very situation weapon, and the chances of someone being at range 7 is kind of low.


  2. 1 hour ago, Antagohey said:

    How is nightmare better than zarkaris? I compared their characteristics in the constructor, but I didn't understand why it was better than zarkaris

    Nightmare has better resistance in the thing that really counts (Physical), and has about the same Heat and Energy (just a little less energy) for 40+ less weight.

  3. 2 hours ago, Antagohey said:

    The torso of the nightmare common will be weaker than the zarkaris when leveling, because I won’t be able to raise its level higher than the zarkaris that fell out to me in an epic quality 

    What I'm saying is, level your Nightmare up to Legendary, then use it.

    Keep your Zakartes until then though.

  4. Guests are probably people who were looking for an answer to a question. It's kinda of like Reddit, just because you see an answer to a question on Reddit, doesn't mean you create an account there.

    Also Discord exists so-

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