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Sorry all for not informing you about not playing on the 25 and 26. Took a small vacation and left on the 24th. Here is the update

DAY 69 (Monday, June 24)

 Played in the Morning, just daily missions and that's all.

DAY 70 (Tuesday, June 25)

Diddn't play....

DAY 71 (Wednesday, June 26)

Didn't play....

DAY 73 ((Thursday, June 27)

So, today did my daily missions and went up to lvl 169. That's about it, for now.




Sorry all for not informing you about not playing on the 25 and 26. Took a small vacation and left on the 24th. Here is the update

DAY 69 (Monday, June 24)

 Played in the Morning, just daily missions and that's all.

DAY 70 (Tuesday, June 25)

Diddn't play....

DAY 71 (Wednesday, June 26)

Didn't play....

DAY 73 ((Thursday, June 27)

Will update at the end of the day....


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