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Shredder SM

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Everything posted by Shredder SM

  1. Hello everyone! In this topic I'll post builds I made solely for experimental purposes! Please let me know whether they are good or not! Here's the first one: An experimental explosive build, focused on knockback!
  2. You can use everything for feeding Nightmare except Hollow Spectral Armor because it's a good torso as @STARWULPH said.
  3. Then I guess I will go with what @noㅤ said. I think this is what he meant. Tried using LPV but it had less heat capacity so I didn't go with that part.
  4. I've seen this dude before. He quit as soon as the battle started, so it looks like he was lowering his rank. Hmmm... The mech in the picture can be beaten easily with an Energy mech. Maybe that's why his rank is low? Still pretty unfair though. He has a lot of Electric Resistance, so that probably isn't the case. Yep, definitely smurfing at low ranks to farm wins.
  5. Kinda Didn't think about that.
  6. Good specials! My only suggestion here is to upgrade the Charge. Rest is pretty good! Overall, pretty good mech! If I had to rate this, it would probably be an 8 or a 9.
  7. Hello! I made this build while experimenting with some stuff, is it good? The Basalt Dissolver is on the mech because I wanted a bit less backfire.
  8. The best way to get some good stuff is buying the offers. An example is the 2000 token offer, which gives you 15 packs.
  9. Replace some of the Iron Platings with some heat and energy modules. The build is pretty good in my opinion! You might need a 2-4 range weapon or maybe another 3-6 range weapon, or you'll be able to use only DawnBlaze in 3 range, and upgrade the modules! Hope it helps! :] Also what Specials are on your mech? Would be helpful if you showed them too! I am too :]
  10. Get an Iron Plating and a Savior Resistance. Your resistance is very low. I recommend replacing the Combined Storage Unit with one of those. 8/10. Very good improvement! :]
  11. Earlier, SM was owned by Tacticsoft, then Gato Games bought it. Not sure who changed it but one of them did.
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