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Everything posted by GORGONA

  1. Привет. Вот сайт, где можно строить мехов и скачивать предметы: https://workshop-unlimited.vercel.app/#/workshop?mech=eyJuYW1lIjoiVW5uYW1lZCBNZWNoIiwicGFja19rZXkiOiJARGFya3N0YXJlIiwic2V0dXAiOlsxMTAsMTE1LDEyNywxMjUsMCwxMjksMCwxMzcsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDAsMCwwLDBdfQ%3D%3D
  2. If you a F2P - watch adds or just wait and farm tokens. Join active clan that deals 1000 wins and you'll have 60 tokens/week. Play raid as hard as you can. If you a P2W - donate))))) Good Luck)
  3. One of the best energy weaphons. Congratulations, if you have an energy mech)
  4. Nice, I'll help your clan with my 3rd acc) Good Luck)
  5. Why do you want to use Grim Reaper? Or you just want to have a torses collection? If you want to use it, I'll recomed you this build: Yes, it's useless on 1 -9 ranks, but it's very comfortable to play with this mech. This build iwas made in time, when there wasn't any combine modules and it doesn't need them) Good Luck)
  6. If you gave a Windigo torso, use 3 Heat Engines, 4 Energy Engine and Defence Matrix. Your mech will be very balanced and have nice res. Back Breaker has nice damage, but there is only 8 heat cap. damage. Your leg will solve this problem much better. Change BackBreaker to Terror Cry to protect distance 2. Good luck)
  7. Yes, Gato may do something with this problem... I know that smurfing is not a real problem, but i found an Idea to destroy them: DO you know, that you cant get rank lower than 20th. If there was a wall between every 5 ranks, we solved this problem. These are the walls: 25-20 20-15 15-10
  8. Yesterday's status: 210 boxes, 8 000 000 Gold, Legendary Massive Stone Feet Today's status: 0 boxes, 7 000 000 Gold, FullMyth Massive Stone Feet
  9. OMG I was in video))))) Do you remember my 'nearly-hugger'?
  10. OH nooo , 3v3 campaign is done, but all the items are lost(((( Someone had upgraded useless items with some divines((((((
  11. Yes, it's cool, but looks too difficult. Great work you did)
  12. I can't understand, why Power Units are lvl 1 in the offers face. When I click them, game showes they heve 300 000 power. Isn't it 40th level?


    It's better to use 1 combine, 3 Energy Engines, 2 Heat Engines. Delete Sacrifice Cannons and you'll have some place to plates... You can get 1 platinum plate from 200th lvl box. 10\10 : veeery huge and looks dangerous) Good luck)
  14. Surf in the chat and catch active and strong players. Always check your players and delete lazy guys. Good luck)
  15. Really, It looks like heat. But heat hook looks heater)))
  16. Hmmm, I tried to play on this site a few minutes ago, it works.... Just try again.
  17. Terror Cry is useless on your heat mech. Use this combination: Flaminator + Sorrow + 2 Fractured Basalt Dissolver This mech will be able to work without energy. It's better to use Heat Point drone. Put away your Savagery. Good Luck)
  18. Yes. Unfortunately most ranks 1-5 have around 350 regen thanks to combine modules. Only the good old combination of Malice Beam / Hot Flash or 2 Valiants can help here ( As I recommended before, if you want damage, then do phys. But the heat mech is a good idea... Good explosive damage plus 1 turn destruction on your enemy sounds impressive.
  19. You are a very accuratly player. It's cool to see this inventory, where's not any useless upgraded items)
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