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Posts posted by BigBoi

  1. Picture background

    Mettaton aka. Virgin has a negative defence which makes him weakest character in undertale

    Although, his attack may be high he doesn't attack first

    Spamton Neo is full opposite and better

    unlike Mettaton he can send three kids in [Heaven]

    Spamton Neo can rise his defence if he on low hp

    becoming almost immortal

  2. LISTEN [Little slimes]



    2. TAKE A RIDE IN [Cungadero]

    3. [Kromer]



    IF YOU LOST IT! [Silly strings] SHOULD HELP!

    6. [Sweet Sweet Freedom sauce]

    7. IF YOU ARE [Hyperlinkblocked] DO [Generosity]

    8. NOW'S YOUR CHANGE TO BE [Big shot]


    10. [Mike]


  3. On 4/9/2024 at 4:07 AM, OKI DOKI said:

    Hi Survivor Pilots

    How are you?

    I am doing ok but today I am at home taking take of some medical's things. You know, I am old so what do you expect. 🤡

    There is very nice temperature outside at 12c degrees. Inside the house at 60F as I like. It was a nice to sleep but sadly did not materialize. 🥴 

    My kids are back from school but today I was doing some level ups and has been farming as usual. 

    I hope all goes well for you all. 

    About the account, I will add just few things for this month. I won't be adding the full list today leaving that for next month or so.

    I have been focusing in to increase gold reserves and slowly making parts not as I used to do. I still do not use the BASE to craft power kits trying to accumulate enough gold.

    My plan on going, is to increase to 1000 premium boxes collection and as the goal to reach that number by next December before Christmas time. 

    I have purchased 1 offer in March of 4K and out of the goal not looking for it, I decided to buy 50 EGG's and opened just 10 of them. 

    My expectation is to buy 1 offer every month of 4k to reach that number. According to the math will be in December. 

    It will take the next 8 months including this one to get the 1000. 

    I will need 32k tokens to get that which I do have on tokens reserves. I will get few others tokens to keep some around for some weapons offers I would like to see and get but will be maybe impossible in the way it is now. Anyway, I like to have some reserves. 

    Since the last time I updated on March 4, I have increased some premiums packs. 

    I moved from 765 to now 792, Not a lot but just slow planned increase. 🤡


    Because the goal is 1000 packs, I do not include the others on reserve. I do have now 41 Eggs around as reserve. 


    Also, I do have some goodies with clan coins around image.png.059d8d0fdc4452639dddca91849e5bc6.png

    Currently I can say I do have 897 packs if sum what it is right now in accumulation. Not bad for a slow add. By the time I get into 1000 premium packs, I will have some extra around that number. 

    The current progress it is slow. I keep the mix parts in balance maxing parts slowly to avoid going to a negative week reserve keeping every week in the positive side adding gold. 


    I have a total of 

    Divine/Myth= 324 including 2 under progress to go to L50. 

    Legendary= 132 and decreasing because I need room so eating what I do not need

    EPIC= 66 and reducing to make room after work with part as collection. 

    Room Capacity-= 615

    Let see Maxed parts since last post. Those are just for collection no weapons in need for ranks. 


    And divined 




    Increase gold from 529 million to image.png.4e816b20cd167d6acb9603f3dea7be01.pngnot that bad. 

    Because low rank and no matter if the account was played in R3 or R5 recently, the rewards are a sad thing to watch as always. 




    I opened 10 Eggs. Looks like I am missing a file. OPPs.  



    I think it is not a bad progress in the last month. Iam currently working with the Spartan and the Terror Blade. 🤡 




    YOU DID IT [Little slime]!

    I KNEW YOU WOULD COME BACK IN [Saturday night]!

    [Deals] SO GOOD THAT I WILL [@$!#] MYSELF!

  4. Привет!

    Старайся проходить дневные квесты каждый день.

    Если, реклама работает, то смотри ее.

    Проходи уровни на компании.

    Играй в рейды.

    Будь активным в клане.

    Играй в арену.

    Иногда, бывают события на 100-150 токенов, старайся их пройти и не забывай про порталы!

    Надеюсь, что помог

  5. 4 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

    It can work to some degree for lower rank maybe to R7 causing enough damage around. The issue is module limitations. There are many phys mechs that will destroy you fast because no resistance module. It does looks ok on heat/ener capabilities and can try risking. 

    This one below is not good but also an option adding the sorrow. 




    there are few more, but you can try your set up. Sorry, I am at work



  6. 11 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

    No diplomat. There are real factors here. Regardless that there is some irresponsibility on lack of communication to the community from the administration, there are real basic things to understand about any game around and old as this one. 

    About to get noticed, not in reality. I like fun time to time if I have time as entertainment reason it is a game, entertainment. 

    To solve problems in the game, you have to be part of the company let say one of the programmers. How the hell I will fix something I do not work on neither I am part on any way from the company simply a player like anyone else around. 

    It is silly to say a none sense comment. 

    If you want to fix the problem, buy the company or part of the company and help give direction and what need to get focus as priority. Become friend of Alex and provide good imputes for him on Discord with common sense. 

    From the viewpoint of a player does not involve in the company just to entertainment itself like me, what they do or not do in the company to keep players around, it is their own business and the only I can say is my experience I have in the game as simple goofier player to grind and maxing parts not much a part of that and whatever comment and Gif I add to have fun and everyone can do the same. 

    If the game fall apart, well... I am not the owner or CEO etc. Money invested in the game, it is for entertainment knowing it will be lost because it is not my own copy of the game that can play in my own console at home with a memory chip or cartridge or cassette or else as my property. 

    This is an online game with old structure which currently with the industry changes it is obsolete and will require to start the game from zero with new codes use in 2023 and will take some years just to have something basic made with new codes. 

    When I am in the forum, I am here just to have fun on my own way. If people read or not, it is up to them and their choices. I read about anyone here for fun and give likes till no more available and I look forward that many others can join and have fun too and make their comments as silly can be about anything. 

    I do not offend or like to criticize anyone around and just try to help if have time even I know for me it is impossible having limited time of connection by the moment unable to pvp due to my work nature related to set ups or else asked in the private. 

    You need to canalize your energy instead to look for someone else resolve the problem for you, get together with Alexander and have a beer with him and join his pack and do some. 

    I am just a SM OD6 farmer leveling up parts currently working on this that will take months to get it done because I grind less and do not play and making some farm before going to sleep because I have work in few hours. 

    Farm and be happy. Extra mix boxes and gold. Yummy.  





    Have fun bro and chill out.








    Wise words man👍

    11 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

    I am a serious person on serious things as family, work, friends and others. This is a game for entertainment. 

    About to be a clown, I cannot copy our AssClown friendly player. He is the one and only one. 

    I am a goofier 


    Thank you for noticing me and have fun with me. 


    Just ignore him, he wants you to be mad and make fun of it😒

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