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Everything posted by Yuki_20

  1. I understand what you are saying. Actually, did you know that there is a stock company with 1B or higher? Apple: Microsoft: Next, overseas cars. 446.3 billion. Toyota(JPN): 40386.99 million. The last one is the shopping street. Costco: Look at this, if you get a job, it will be richer.
  2. Opinions are free. It's only a questionnaire on how to make a badge like confetti as a confetti club. Give one's regards
  3. Look at This picture. It’s Became My Level180 of Reward Boxes. This time, I would like to introduce Acid Protect, an original design that I made. Intro: This protection increases cooling and energy collection, and reduces damage that hits each attribute. Model Legendary Lv1-(40) Weight:60kg Cooling:25(30) Regeneration:25(30) Resist(All):30(40) HP:+50 Mythical Lv1-(50) Weight:60kg Cooling:35(40) Regeneration:35(40) Resist(All):50(60) HP:+75 Divine Bonus: Cooling:48 Regeneration:48 Resist(All):65 HP:+100 Design By Yukiya. Used software: Adobe(Lightroom) Download: https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/adobe-lightroom-%E5%86%99%E7%9C%9F%E5%8A%A0%E5%B7%A5-%E7%B7%A8%E9%9B%86-%E9%AB%98%E7%94%BB%E8%B3%AA%E3%82%AB%E3%83%A1%E3%83%A9/id878783582 This is “IPhone”. Thank You!
  4. By the way, it takes time to earn 1B, but if you buy 645 1.55 gold of 1000 tokens, it will be 1B. However, the payment of tokens is 645,000.
  5. Profile of “about me”:

    The sentence is Nice.

  6. Qna?Officially,Q&A. Battery armor is bad torso. Nice to Meet you.
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