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Posts posted by TritiumThermonuclearBomb

  1. 44 minutes ago, Bloxyachilles said:

    im f2p i cant buy boxes im poor and i found ppl in arena with complete blak energy mech 😞

    50 tokens a day from ads. and at least 25 tokens from raid a week. do quests. do unfinished missions. daily quests are 10. there's no way you can't make at least enough for 1 box every 2 days

  2. 18 hours ago, kill with boss said:

    This better! Buy premium packs to get all.



    I have the massive lavas, the recoiler and that's it. I'm not going to use an ALL P2W build, as I don't have the tokens for that. Yet.

  3. 54 minutes ago, iSwarky said:

    haha yes okis od6 topic with my token grinding progress

    Alright everyone so today ive gathered all of you here for maybe a moment in sm that hasnt been done for the entire existance of sm.

    Im gonna grind for 4000 tokens without spending any money  

    This will require a lot of work and let me explain how its gonna go.

    I did the math and to get 1000 tokens you need to spend around 7-10 weeks. (Without the small rewards like the 10 token from completing all the daily quests.)

    I got half the way through with 200 tokens but i got a long way of grinding in the future.

    Everytime i get tokens im gonna send a picture with the amount of tokens i got.20211128_003610.thumb.jpg.c7576ee4765102016207ecc7b3c53fc4.jpg

    This is the beggining of this topic. Im gonna check just how long it is gonna take me to get 2000 tokens. (I didnt spend any money to those 2000 tokens btw.)

    imagine i grind for a 4000 token offer for 7 months just to get sh!t drops


    It seems you can get 50 tokens a day from ads, and another 10 from daily quests? If you do the raid, I believe you should make at least 25... But only once a week. 445 a week sounds like a bit much though.

  4. 8 hours ago, Dark conon mech said:

    if your on mobile you have to wait an hour for every 4 ads

    if your on pc all you have to do is close and open app every time you watch an ad

    But can I keep watching ads after I've watched them all on PC?

  5. Can I have help with a Heat Mech? I have Zark, no legs, HeronMark, Broken Devourer, Magma Recoiler, Basalt Dissolver, Corrupt Light, Heat Bomb, Savagery and Supreme Cannon. I also have Backstabbing Protector and can get anything R-M or C-M. No E-Ms because my last (at least 5) premiums have been E-M regen boosters. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Bring live your dreams said:

    Nobody is gonna fall in that thing when the game says to dont make that, I hope so... 


    I've seen it happen

  7. 54 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    no, every 10 boxes is granted but it does require to max arena shop as SC2A showed. Only then will get faster the F.B. The rest is normally farming for them and that does not mean will get them. All depend of people accounts might say because some get many and others very few.


    Where do you farm yours?

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