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Mr Cat

Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Mr Cat

  1. Hello! In this thread I’ll be posting images of my mech everyday. Feel free to advice and guide me Mech from last night my mech as of now my items as of now
  2. Mr Cat

    F2P Players

    don't tell me this is f2p account xD
  3. Mr Cat

    F2P Players

    I'll create a new progress thread
  4. Mr Cat

    F2P Players

    daym halloween is not even a month away, i better level up fast so i can atleast beat the portal!
  5. Mr Cat

    F2P Players

    Wow thanks for the reply, every bit of information was worth reading. I was wondering if there is a trick to getting more fortune boxes coz they help you a lot and also do normal mix boxes sometimes throw legendaries as well? I always wanted that pumpkin head xD, it looks so cool
  6. LOL, when you know their profile but not their names
  7. Mr Cat

    F2P Players

    Thanks for the in depth explanation bro, really appreciate it, now I'm motivated to restart my Super-Mechs journey. To be honest, I been on and off of Super-Mechs for years, ever since 2015 but I never really stuck to one account. If I had who knows I might've been rank 1 already. This time ima stick to one account and grind whenever I can. Also what are some of the tips and tricks you've learned over the years you've been playing, I would love to learn from your experiences. What do you think is the best way to grind. Some of the builds that I should go for and things of that nature
  8. Hmm...I am not sure if you are being serious or sarcastic...coz if you are being serious then you haven't reached the age of maturity, thus making it pointless to even explain.
  9. Mr Cat

    F2P Players

    Oh really, what about the item drops of f2p accounts?
  10. Mr Cat

    F2P Players

    What are the chances of someone getting good (rank 5 +) without being a p2w player?
  11. Describe your life/yourself in one word.
  12. Hello! I was wondering if there are any active SM servers...if there are please let me know
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