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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by noㅤ

  1. Wow! Congrats on your amazingly fast progress! Didn't expect to see you guys so high with a rank 7 requirement. Great job!
  2. Why would that mech need pushback? Seems like the design aims to close the gap to flame and slash. Again, never played this type of build so genuinely curious as to why you'd need to push.
  3. Cool build but do you need the double teleport? Your top weapons and drone seem enough to maintain energy drain from afar until they're close enough to flame and chop. I've never tried this build so I could be wrong but at first glance it seems like using a regular teleport is a free extra hundred HP with no downside. Your regular teleporter can do chip damage and you could also add a premium armor drainer too. More HP, more drain, and more damage all in one.
  4. At least you're in the positive! A while back some guy posted his account with minus 2000 gold which became minus 50K (or something) gold the next day hahaha. Hope it got resolved. As for you, FARM, FARM, FARM!
  5. Hahaha so true. Everyone sucks at 3v3 except the super OGs who've been playing forever... and those with very deep pockets. I get stuck at rank 5 but love seeing the 3v3 teams. One player runs triplet all-white energy mechs with triple flame-throwers and top EMPs. Pure awesome. They're the whales keeping the game alive. 3V3 skull ranks are the real MVPs.
  6. The update is the friends we made along the way.
  7. That depends... did you hack? The answer is the opposite of your reply.
  8. Fingers crossed for good arena loot!
  9. It depends on your build but every item you're about to use is less common to get than the Rock Recoiler so personally I'd upgrade heat and energy modules to legendary and use those instead.
  10. noㅤ

    Power Kit usage

    UPGRADING ITEMS Epic: 3 maxed Common Power Kits, 1 maxed Rare Power Kit, 3 Rare items (at least 2 of the same type as the item you're upgrading). Or 17 maxed Common Power Kits, 1 Common item. Legendary: 4 maxed Rare Power Kits. Mythical: Lots of maxed Rare Power Kits, 2 maxed Common Power Kits, then a slightly upgraded Common Kit (I cant remember off the top of my head what level it should be). UPGRADING POWER KITS Common: 3 Rare items, 6 Common items. Rare: 3 maxed Common Power Kits, 1 Rare item, 3 Common items. Note: don't transform the rarity of your Power Kits, just max the current level, whatever it may be.
  11. Have you tried 1v1 Overlords Den on Hard? I usually get a few epics every day.
  12. If you feel unmotivated to play that probably means you shouldn't play. Games should be fun! Try taking a break until you feel like playing.
  13. I did it to. It was so bad I used it for food. RIP my poor divine relics.
  14. You are an energy drainer so I'd swap your protection modules to heat since energy mechs cant shoot after your emp and phys mechs usually only have one energy-free weapon.
  15. Phys dual frantic recoiler will get you all the way up to rank 2 depending on your modules.
  16. Oof. Avenger is only good against phys enemies because it has absolutely no cooling or regen. You're correct that neither options are great so swap for Nightmare, Windigo, or even Naga if they drop, then the heat or energy version of platinum vest down the road (but not the phys version).
  17. How to get base-legendary itmes without coins: 1. Farm the final mission on 1v1 on hard. 2. Arena rewards. 3. Clan war loot. 4. Special offers. 5. Portals. 6. 30-day log in reward. 7. Tokens for single fortune box (not recommended). 8? Opening timer boxes for fortune boxes. Although this only works if you selected it from arena rewards, I included it because you don't need to keep spending coins to keep getting boxes. Up to you to if it counts. By the way, this entire game takes forever. If you keep playing with the mindset to win it'll get frustrating fast. Getting every item to divine would probably take decades or thousands of dollars. Once you get the shield, there will be another item you need to keep advancing. This cycle is endless. I currently need divine relics, armor plates, individual resistance fortresses, overload protectors, combined engines, distance shredders, resistance drainers, and seraph blades, just to optimize my current physical mechs. This is after 3 years of grinding and I'd need even more items for different playstyles or mech types. Good luck and take it easy!
  18. Step 1. Grind missions. Step 2. Get energy shield. Step 3. Upgrade energy shield. Step 4. Success.
  19. Your first mech only has one weapon that needs energy so why not change it to this? Or this?
  20. Don't fret! Atomus just needs a few tweaks. I don't know exactly what equipment you use so I used the heaviest things to ensure you can add stuff without going overweight. So first thing is you don't lack firepower, you lack resistance drain! Phase one is to add these: These drop commonly so they shouldn't be a problem. After deploying your drone, fire both of these first no matter what. You overheat mechs so you'll be able to make up the initial HP drop when they can only shoot once per turn. Eventually you should replace them with these: But they don't drop too often so it will be difficult. Next you need to get resistance. Your mech is useless against energy (which is ok, many people play the odds of winning against two types and losing against one type) so you should replace the combined storage units. You'll have to wait for the fortress version to be effective and it'll either look like this (which is the best case): Or the less good version like this: We could change your mech further to get to higher ranks but then it'd stop being your character and turn into a more generic mech. Still, these little tweaks will definitely help out while keeping your identity. Don't worry about your rank too much. This game is literally endless so you will always win the same amount that you lose once you arrive at your mechs equilibrium level. Let me know how it goes!
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