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Dumbass.T last won the day on July 22

Dumbass.T had the most liked content!


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  1. Funny how you don't even make actual art, you just use "Hue" and call it a day.
  2. New challenge: The person who maxes the most items until Halloween wins!
  3. Hi, pilots! New topic after a loooong time, right? So in this topic, post anything that you max or divine. (No context) Here's mine: (I have deleted the screenshots of other stuff I maxed, but still)
  4. Guest being r25: New friend. Actually he's just here for 3 days, he will go back to LLYL after.
  5. Bros complaining about free wins
  6. Will this brother ever stop?
  7. Seems pretty stupid but keep it up!
  8. Dumbass.T


    Lannister needs to wake up...
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