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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by gRedsz

  1. Monke because it was the main torso i used on my main account back in the day. Also i liked this a lot i always wanted to build samurai mech.
  2. Also you can use the 8 kg ressistance drainer on the energy mech and you should start to up your modules if you can.
  3. My suggestion would be to use nightmare or windigo instead of that torso if you dont have it or dont want to the majority of players first max theier torso. -gRedez
  4. I have been comenting here for a while now its wierd to do another thread because i am not at the start anymore
  5. Hey guys here is a little update on the mech: If you have any improvments feel free to write them here.
  6. Well man i think it was fun while it lasted
  7. You are totally right. Also what happened to your clan if you dont mind
  8. Hey guys! So i dont know why but recently i got kicked out from my clan. It got me thinking because i was one of the most active players. What was special about this clan is that we were getting the 1000 wins reward every seasson. And man those 50 tokens look delicious. I need to join an active clan as fast as possible. I have level 103 because i am playing on a new account. I am very active and can get 50 wins each seasson at least. I stay at ranks 17-15 and i also farm for titans and play war. I am open for any suggestion.
  9. It would be cool to record it so maybe the community could calculate percentages of drops and stuff like that
  10. Bro the torso is not the best. If you get a MPV or LPV it would be great. Also nightmare and windigo are the best non premium torsos.
  11. Yo man thats awesome i just hope you record the opening and maybe put it on youtube. Also if you have enough time making a youtube channel would be great because you can do so many interesting things with an account like that. You could bring popularity to sm. Cheers!
  12. The only thing is that you have zero ressistance and that is no good. If you get a vest use it instead
  13. You probably have the biggest inventory in the game right now. My question is what are you gonna do with all this in the end? Are you gonna get top 1 in every season are you gonna open 1000 premium packs?
  14. Hey guys another small update. I have finally beat 1v1.
  15. yup something like that i didnt have the armor dissolver tho you can check this video :
  16. Hey guys i finally did it. Got an epic btw.
  17. No way bro, thats exactly the build i was using on my main some time ago. Some time ago in 2020 i reached rank 11 with this build without being maxed.
  18. Dont up HPV not the best torso rather use nightmare pr windigo
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