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Posts posted by LORD CHAOS

  1. So basically i was studying english and i randomly remembered (ONE OF MY WORST MEMORIES EVER)

    Basically i remembered that 

    3 or 4 years ago we were writing a constuction(word knowledge test)

    The teacher was saying words in our language and we had to translate them to english (btw i got 5-)

    And one of the words was: (loaded)

    I couldn't remember the word (loaded)

    And i used another word called 


    My teacher didnt find something suspicious and just wrote red mark on that word

    I think you all know where i got this word from😳

    You can use any adjective to describe me

    If you still don't understand what i mean just know that you aren't a (man/woman) of culture

    Tell me what embarassing moments you had in your life


  2. Guys its so hard to win wars especially when a clan has this many maxed out player 

    Does anybody have any tips so that i could at least help my team



  3. On 12/27/2023 at 5:57 AM, SERIES7 said:

    As a torch user myself, despite its range confinement of 3-6, I find it rather useful. A decent damage output as well as drain, paired with a good setup (at least a recoiler variant), torch performs well. Of course, now and then you’ll find someone with a falcon/lightning scope/cockpit piercer… in which case a backstabbing protector or selfish guardian variant would prove useful from full range capabilities. Aside from them a highly reliable drone.

    Note: Account for 20% phys dmg buff from arena


    Why do you use so many weapons ?  isnt two frantics enough to kill a player


  4. 15 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

    Offers are better deal. Now, if you want to rush and be the superhero, then buy regular premium packs. You buy if does have money because as free player it is hard to save enough tokens even for the offers.

    If you are lacking some epics sometimes is good to open but can do the same with the weekly's offers. 

    I buy offers time to time between months and be patient and accumulate them. No rush to be top just fun maxing parts farming. 

    Yesterday offer was a good offer for 3k tokens. 🤷‍♂️

    Some epic parts are in need for top mechs like that Hammer or the EMP with proper configurations in the picture provided.  

    If you do not know a lot, look the players sets at display and some videos and can give you some ideas of what you can do with what you have in your arsenal. 

    Play the game for fun does not rush and not thinking straight making mistakes eating parts. Try to manage properly parts. 

    Just in case, I do have premiums. 



    Wow i wonder how much have you been grinding for all these ?

  5. Soo yeah this took me 30 mins to make but i feel like its good enough      I made this heath build ("based") on the resources i have                                   I have everything except corrupt lights 

    Soo what do you guys think is it good for grinding in ("campaign") ?



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