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Posts posted by LORD CHAOS

  1. 10 hours ago, D4RK said:
    I was in the Spanish chat and someone started saying some rude words to me that I will mention later. His name is chaos id I think 2969

    How coincidental it is

  2. 14 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

    When I was kid, I watched a cartoon called BIRDMAN Image result for Birdman Cartoon

    This cartoon is from the late 60's and still like. I was staying in my grandmother house during summertime.  I watched the new old chapter re-run in my grandma house around 3:00pm. Late at night I went to bed following rules been 4 years old. That night, I had a dream with the cartoon me having the birdman powers. I was flying and shooting using my powers practicing. 

    At some point, I landed in front of my grandma house street. I landed because my power it was getting off with too much overpower more than the cartoon itself. The funny thigs it was weird. When I landed, I wanted to shoot to the street light pole, and I was unable to knocked down no matter how much the attack was. 

    Then I tried to use the power against the street and try to melt the street like a line all the way down the hill and was able to do it. Then I tried to destroy again the street light pole was didn't work. 

    Then again, I tried to destroy the concrete street, but the burning power was too low, and I was losing power attack. I tried and tried, and I was unable to damage or melt the street. 

    Sadly, when I was feeling I will get full power for whatever the reason was, my grandma called me around 5:00am to get ready for breakfast and help her in stuff. 


    Funny, later on back in 2000 there was a cartoon with the same personality but instead of superhero, it was a funny TV show character been like idiot funny hero that last long. I cracked my pants all the time. 

    🤣 I loved even more as an adult. 


    Man tbh having lucid dream is one of the best things ever but the problem here is that sometimes people dont realize it and they set set boundaries for their own selves without realizing that they can do whatever they want

    I feel like this has to do something with a psychiology of a person idk im not a professional but i think people should be more courageous or smth

  3. Ok so basically i saw that there was a hole idk and it appeared underground suddenly it started to push everyone towards itself 

    Btw things happened outside of a school like building

    You may ask me who was there 

    Hehe here comes the weirdest part im struggling to explain everything but ok  Soooooo i saw a few people from animated tv series called              (Hazbin Hotel) 

    I saw-Lucifer,baggie,niffty,           (maybe charlie)      

    Back to the story-when the hole started to sucking everyone in charlie and vaggie entered a portal 

    I was holding on bars outside of the building lucifer was just standing

    SUDDENLY niffty fell to the ground.        I hugged her(literally) then i was running towards the portal before entering it for some reason i yelled at lucifer saying (She will come back with a taxi dont worry) lucifer smiled and i entered the portal i was still hugging Niffty then i woke up

    Sooo this was one the weirdest but at the same time my most wholesome dream ever 

    I wish i had more dreams like this

    If any of you had a nightmare/dream.   Tell me

    Btw here are the pics of them

    Niffty is the small girl.                                Vaggie is the gray girl.                                Charlie is the white girl.                            Lucifer the long guy



    indir (2).png


    indir (1).png

  4. 3 hours ago, Sade said:

    How is that useless? 

    Idk my fire mech uses laser 

    I dont like heat hugger builds tbh

    But that doesn't mean that i will transform it to another item

    Lets just keep it : /

  5. I put freeze spell as a combo to to the goblin barrel 

    Giant for goblin barrel and also stalling

    Lumberjack as a mass attacker 

    Dragon as a splasher

    Log cause its log

    Skeletons for hordes

    Witch cause its op

    If you have any recommendations feel free to tell me

    Btw im at arena 12-3800 trophies



    1)You can watch the replay if you want to

    2)The game was so boring i expected it to be more interesting

    3)I died because of cringe when i saw that the kit was level 1

    4)Remember 29 january 23:14 as the day when i achieved this milestone










  7. 1 hour ago, OKI DOKI said:

    You can post about anything. Can be games, follow the games around, make jokes, post memes, pictures or your hand, tell history about you like been at school, crazy girlfriend had, your car, crazy bro, work but you do not have to tell the places, country stuff, your sexy neighbor, goals, weekly progress in SM, flex that legend or myth created, levels up of the week, your best T-shirt, going to the beach, vacation, food etc. don't have to be every day but time to time a different thing and that can be normal, funny or idiotic fun.   The fingers are your limit 🤡

    Ok, a challenge. 

    Max 3 modules to Myth L50 in Feb. 🍻

    Use the proper area to create a post. This is introduction. That will be info about you in a general way and why you play this game. You can go to the Discussion area and create a post that you can use as post about you or else. 

    Is like come with simple things like who is your favorite player in the game watching their videos fights, or ask for the best in the past like old teams, and current players old names or why left a clan or who you want to beat, or why you play and what do you want to achieve etc.   


  8. I had a new idea in MY mind so basically all YOU gotta do is simple 

    Give ME a challenge

    If I complete the challenge-i give a challenge to YOU

    If I don't-then i have to take another one from the same person

    :Challenges shouldn't be beyond my possibilities 

    :No item deleting/getting involved 

    :Be original

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