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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by SiliconPhoenix

  1. maybe but it was ridiculous like every second he was getting a legendary. the only thing breaking up the chat from just being every thing he got was the fact that ppl were typing
  2. The best i have done is used 1 revive and bring the boss down to half hp
  3. 1# super off topic but i'll tell you 2#This game has premium dude that lets you have ad free gameplay 3# Its not permanent you have to buy it again every once in a while
  4. The real question is "Why not?" Also having shields in the game would again would be really dope
  5. LMAO when i was typing this the first thing that went through my mind was "could someone have already come up with this?"
  6. A friend if mine came up with a great and or fun idea. Basicly a portal event that drops legacy items like shields, torsos, weapons, legs, everything from back then and have a portal event based around it.(also drones and moduals)
  7. Wow. I see they are not gonna do the freaking portal at all this week... my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined (JK but im still very disappointed like what even is their excuse for not doing the portal?)
  8. Divine mech go brrrrrrrrr (and they go brrrr even more when they are heat and energy mechs)
  9. Looks cool and everything but like what would it even do? Probably why it hasn't been implemented into the game Nah dude it would probably do -60 like the damaged armor annihilator. And have the dmg out put of a frantic or spartan carnage
  10. Physical EMP? That sounds like somethin you would find in cursed images
  11. Oh B O I time to wait another billion years for somethin to happen in this game. And even after the billion years past the items wont be added.
  12. No cinco de mayo Me when i see their is no cinco de mayo event the next day even though i have been waiting for a portal in so long(also funny hat)
  13. Wow next day and will you look at that. Stupid +100% arena gold event. Why would you replace a portal (somethin that everyone likes) with somethin like this? Just stick to the events that are supposed to happen.
  14. The game usually celebrates this day by doing a portal. And letting you get a sombrero, this offer is not as pleasing as the portal at all.
  15. Man i wonder what is suspicious I wonder what is suspicious. LOL
  16. I have tried to get on supermechs today... everything was going fine it accepted my password and username. And then it stops their, it has not moved from this screen and i have uninstalled and reinstalled it. I'm a little worried cause it still gets stuck on this screen.
  17. Yea i know now... i was just confused cause ive been in a lot of clan wars and never seen this
  18. Someone explain to me how this mf has 5 attacks on me and the clan that im in. someone explain to me what the heck is this?
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