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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by luCyfer

  1. I think you can swap legendary heat capsule with heat engine from your second mech, it will be a little overweight but your hp won't be affected much
  2. Did he have a VIP entry without ticket or what
  3. Frantic lightning is shit, from what I've heard it's even worse than its heat and physical counterparts Don't waste resources upgrading it to myth, focus on torso and weapons that are not luck based for better sustainability
  4. I think it might be somewhat useful for scope builds but I'm not sure
  5. Best way to bypass this is to full your inventory, then box will go to unopened boxes and you can open it from here
  6. Imo first upgrade hp points to 10, then resistance or dmg type you prefer
  7. Not really, I think he have plasma cannon equipped so stomp and plasma cannon if his hp allows him to use it
  8. Savior resistance isn't worth upgrading to 30lvl because 3 or more last lvls don't add resistance points, 27lvl max to not waste resources
  9. Best looking torso Is green painted naga with player name "Mike wazowski", change my mind
  10. Restarting didn't work and I can't play arena because my game is stuck on that screen I'll try to fill my inventory space to throw this into waiting boxes, maybe that will work
  11. Every time I try opening clan wars/arena reward I get this message and my phone freezes completely
  12. Check if there is update available in store I got the same problem and after updating ads were working for two days at least
  13. Focus on your modules, you will drain yourself with flaminator because of low energy cap/regen
  14. Smurfing is one thing, these are griefers by this point
  15. If you wanna spend over 4k tokens to get 4 parts then wait for offers, you got few premium packs plus gold, arena points and sometimes even guaranteed legendary/mythical parts And from what I've seen the cheapest offer is 1k tokens
  16. Because that's the easiest way for inexperienced players to reach higher ranks, you still can overheat or energy break them to at least have a chance I also find this build annoying and almost cancerous but I can't deny it works
  17. Just magma recoiler would be nice Idk seems like recoilers are hard to get for me at least
  18. I mean if more players attack the Titan then everyone will get more tokens? For example I was getting 47 tokens for soloing him and I wonder if reward is better when more people attack him
  19. Few questions regarding titans Is it good if 2 players beat Titan in few minutes in full club or can it affect the amount of Titan tokens received? Is Titan reward boost in arena shop affecting only one player or whole club?
  20. luCyfer


    Don't forget to equip i telete
  21. luCyfer


    I've heard that roller legs don't have a heat variant until I saw this, it's a legacy item or what?
  22. Tokens are back But club still gone Edit: apparently club wasn't gone, my account was gone from the club despite me being leader lol
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