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Paul And Sam YT

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Posts posted by Paul And Sam YT

  1. 10 hours ago, antimagnatism said:

    imagine thoses new hybrid variant, that  damages heat y energy and instead consumes your health, it would be balanced, idk, or consume both of these?

    Good Idea

  2. 5 minutes ago, Marija said:

    And here are the results! It was a tough decision, but these are the top 3 as per staff vote: 

    1st place - @bumbum congrats! 

    2nd place - @Zho. congrats!

    3rd place - @khan congrats! 

    And since it was really a difficult choice, we decided to do some honorable mentions who will also get rewards (500 tokens each) and they are @m01 and @hungry tea - great job guys! Keep it going!

    Congrats to everyone for doing a great job again, each competition gets harder and harder to judge 😄 

    I want to thank everyone for participating, for creating art inspired by SM and hopefully enjoying these competitions. I look forward to seeing you in the next art competition!

    Winners please send me your full ID numbers 🙂



    Welp i tried 😕

  3. 8 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    And the rewards are next: 

    1st place – 3000 tokens and a forum badge

    2nd place – 2000 tokens 

    3rd place – 1000 tokens

    Good luck everyone! I hope we get some amazing art again! 

    Direct to your account and need to provide your account ID and info request. They will tell you soon. 

    Can you give me example?

  4. On 10/24/2023 at 8:48 AM, 2008ToyotaCorolla said:

    Improve modules and max out the weapons and it will be a 6/10. at that level probably 4/10. Heat is a big problem especially since you are running double heat bomb.

    Oh but my second heat bomb the epic one i used it as epic food 😕

  5. 1 hour ago, Shredder SM said:

    Get more modules and upgrade them or your heat bombs will end up destroying your own mech rather than the opponent's mech.

    Get a shotgun on there like for example a Magma Recoiler.


    5/10. Has a lot of room for improvement in my opinion.


    Also why are you using an epic teleporter? Use a common one because that's not an Energy mech and it costs less energy, so the low energy cost will be useful when you're almost broke.

    And also use the Massive Lava Feet in your inventory, they are better are they are lighter and break resistance too.


    Nightmare is pretty good though

    I don’t have magma recoiler bruh and also ok massive lava feet i guess sory i am using epic teleporter for small final kill also idh alot of modules

    Anyway is flaming hammer useful?

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