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Experienced Pilots
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Posts posted by jcool64

  1. 1 hour ago, Lavroski said:

    What can I change in my build? I have attached screenshots of my items, what do I need to download? What needs to be changed? And what you need to get from premium packs for energy assembly






    take of the sonic blaster and add the energy ray if u upgrade it to legendary it op

  2. to answer your question FLAWED i am making a Energy/Fire mech i call it a disar-mech and a use it 'cause instead of just brute forcing my opponents  i pick the strategy therefore i am a strategy player which i personally think that it's better than hoping that you aren't screwed over by RNG and cause i'm not pay to win and i'm not a fan of ads than my only choice is try and hope to get epics but to finish my statement i would like to see your mech and i will take your comment and think about it but the problem i have with picking a mech of one class is they always have fatal weaknesses that in the long run shoots them in the foot unless you are high level which i'm not now finally I think its pretty rude to say i put anything on it i  didn't i pick the best weapons for my build and with that i close out with this 


    if you say your strong but you are not unique then you are just normal and if you're not really you anymore and if you aren't you then why bother being strong because you are regular and there are many like you be different or what is the point of existing 

    and with that i am done tell me i DO really want to see your mech though

    for my fans here is another great battles

  3. i am a very active SM player and i would like to show you the crazy adventure that is my arena battles don't worry i will make a separate discussion for my worst losses 'cause i'm transparent and i would love if you join in on the conversation comment on some battles of mine i will post on week ends and keep watching because i might post on other days, BUT MY GOAL is to post at least on week-ends if i don't i'm sorry but i can't do anything about it now that you have the basic gist of the concept. Now other than that here's a good run down of the rules

    #1 No cursing

    #2 No bullying ( But constructive criticism is accepted ) 

    #3 No spam

    #4 DON'T I REPEAT DON'T act like a ignoramus and post something completely unrelated in a response

    #5 Lastly don't use this to click-bait people i am not an ad board

    #6 This is not a news thread, don't post real news  unless you begin your statement with NEWS:

    Those are the "FIVE PILLARS" freedom of speech is encouraged but don't abuse it don't break these and were cool

    finally now that we are clear on that here is a taste of what we do here




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