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Posts posted by Flawed

  1. 4 minutes ago, RaymondL1747 said:

    range 2 can easily be exploited by duel frantic builds, since frantics tend to hit from 200-700(crazy ikr)

    Something we can agree on, rng is either a hit or miss, there are no inbetweens

    Frantic Brutes need a big nerf or just be removed because the outcome of their hits can change the game. Their damages range from a bit underpowered to game ending (especially at Mythical and Divine). Of course, all of these complaints are for mostly on the non-top ranks.

  2. 2 hours ago, SUSSYMOGUS said:

    @shockwave333  to make it short after reloaded everything changed,like 90% of it .but after geto took over welp you can see where it went...

    no updates (i really dont care)

    CRAZY AMOUNT OF SMURFS (come on devs pls fix this)

    grinding (its not bad if you have silver boxes base is not bad either other than some prices)


    the smurfs are crazy i am not even kidding i barely can pass 15 and when i do another dam smurf...

    my mech

    (epic mech picture)

    What the hail-

    Your mech is almost all maxed mythicals and you can't beat smurfs?

    The biggest problem with your mech though is lack of Regeneration.

  3. 2 hours ago, xinemac said:

    Hi! I can't understand something about this “new ítems” for me. ¿Why it drain so much HP? ¿It drain HP only one time or every shot?

    Edit: I see that item has one use.  😅 I was happy for the damage on my level, I pass the missions so easy. 💪😁

    (epic picture)

    Hello! Welcome back!

    In the time you were gone, some items were added that had backfire (it deals damage to you too). Usually these items have higher damage output though, so it's not all bad.

  4. 53 minutes ago, ANIMAN said:

    nightmare and grimreaper are good for me when im using them but im not sure if windigo are not good 😕

    What the-

    You don't think Windigo is good?

    As a Nightmare user (I can't get a Windigo!), I lose to Windigo users like 70% of the time.

  5. You should probably build for a mech more like this one:image.png.a0236bd35d926c92718716bea3f7112b.png

    Since Sorrow doesn't reduce the heat capacity of the opponent's mech as much as Corrupt Light/Flaminator, I would consider it worst than Corrupt Light/Flaminator.

    You should also use a Common Teleporter simply because it takes less energy. You're probably not worried about the damage on a heat mech.

    3 hours ago, LORD OF THE SHOTTOWN said:

    Terror Cry is useless on your heat mech. Use this combination:

    Flaminator + Sorrow + 2 Fractured Basalt Dissolverimage.png.8948b5b4323a2ecf75098951945225de.png

    This mech will be able to work without energy.

    It'll work without energy? What? Doesn't Flaminator exist so you can do heat damage with a lot of energy?

  6. 12 hours ago, LORD OF THE SHOTTOWN said:

    Nice) I remember the previest Lord Gorgon's build. It was a heat mech. 

    There's a 1 problem: this mech can't destroy enemies energy. It means that this energy mech can't do it's work(

    If you want a damage, make a phys build.


    Good Luck

    It can't destroy enemies energy?

    If everything goes how it should, it would be draining a little more than 300 energy per round. Do top-level mechs really have that much energy regeneration?

    I think a heat variant might work better though.

  7. 5 hours ago, shockwave333 said:

    is that why they  are banned in belguim  the netherlands and germany are taking alook at this also no matter how they dress it up it gambling

    • Access to loot boxes is made either via payment (real or virtual
    • currency) or by playing a video game;

    I'm assuming games like Magic: The Gathering Arena and Hearthstone are gambling too?

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